Knowledge of Satyug Saints About God As Per Durga Purana

Knowledge of Satyug's Saints About God in Durga Puran

The devotee society has remained ignorant for ages about who is worshipable God who provides emancipation to souls trapped in the web of a butcher; Brahm-Kaal? The reality remains that even deities are ignorant in spite of the fact that holy scriptures provide sufficient evidence regarding; Who is Supreme God?. Contemporary Sages, great Sages, Mandaleshwars, Mahants, Acharyas, and all religious Gurus of even Satyug have not been able to provide a satisfactory answer to the devotee society as to who is worshipable God? Pious Puranas which are the personal experience of some sage/saint holds evidence of their ignorance since it contains hearsay knowledge (lokved) hence, is incomplete and incorrect. 

Hindu devotees strongly believe that no one can be spiritually more powerful than Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh (Shankar), and Goddess Durga. Each of them provides contradictory theories about who is Supreme God?. Here, in this article, we will study facts from one of the famous Durga Purana and try to understand what was the knowledge of the great saints of Satyug about God? What information does Goddess Durga provide regarding the same and what evidence do other holy scriptures provide about Supreme God?. 

The following will be discussed:-

Way of Worship During Satyug

There are four Yugas (Ages) according to the belief in Hinduism which constitutes 4.32 million human years amongst which Satyuga is the first of the four Yugas also known as the Golden Era where humanity was governed by Gods. The other three Yugas are Tretayuga, Dwaparyuga, and Kalyuga. The total duration of Satyug lasts for 1,72,8000 divine years and the age of humans used to be of one-lac years. In Satyuga very virtuous souls gifted with qualities such as valiance, mightiness, intelligence, and embellished with divinity used to take birth. The son never used to die before Father. In Satyuga people used to be humble, generous, honest, and God-fearing and used to be engaged only in good, sublime deeds, and piousness. The requirements of people were obtained by the power of will since those virtuous souls were God-loving, God-fearing, and God listens to the prayers of his dearest souls. 

In Satyuga just by mere contemplation seekers/devotees would beget desired results. The environment was clear/best and people hardly used to fall ill. People used to perform austerity to attain celestial bliss. The prime virtue during Satyug was the abandonment of worldly desires and attainment of God but evidence from holy books provides evidence that contemporary Sages, great Sages, Mandaleshwars, Acharyas used to preach to others the spiritual knowledge which was hearsay (Legends and Folklores), hence, incorrect and incomplete. Although they used to provide sermons basis their knowledge of Vedas but since they were not fortunate to be blessed of having a Satguru they remained ignorant about the true spiritual knowledge and could not interpret the real meaning of the hidden spiritual facts explained in Vedas which glorify the creator of the Universe, Param Akshar Purush / God Kabir Dev.

Srimad Devi Bhagavata MahaPurana mentions the true account of great saints during Satyuga who were ignorant and reveals the fact that earlier sages/saints did not have the knowledge about who is Supreme God? and therefore, used to perform devotion that was against the injunctions of scriptures, that is, used to perform unscriptural worship that was arbitrary conduct. The great ambiguity amongst saints/sages was that Goddess Durga whom they believed is the epitome of power (Shakti) is the only worshipable divine. They were ignorant about; what is the correct way of worship with which souls attain emancipation? Whom should they worship?. This write-up will provide evidence about the ignorance of contemporary sages/saints, Acharyas of Satyuga. 

To proceed let us first know in brief about Goddess Durga who is the revered deity of Durga Purana.

Who is Goddess Durga?

The four-armed Goddess Durga portrayed in pictures and idols as riding on a Lion is the venerable deity of Shrimad Devi Bhagavata MahaPurana who is worshipped with great reverence amongst Hindus. The epitome of Shakti (feminine power) Durga is the wife of butcher Brahm-Kaal (owner of twenty-one universes- evidence) and mother of triple Gods, that is, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar (evidence in Shri Shiv Mahapurana, Markandeya Purana, Vishnu Purana, Durga Purana, and holy Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Chapter 14 Verse 3-5, etc).

Goddess Durga as portrayed in Shrimad Devi Bhagavata Mahapurana (which consists of 12 Skands (sections) and has 318 chapters) is also popular by the names such as  Shakti / Prakriti / Ashtangi / Bhavani /’Jagatjan-ni’/ Maya / Bhagwati / Tridev Jan-ni / Jagdambika / Maa Durga, etc. She is the daughter of Almighty KavirDev (evidence Sukshma Veda-Kabir Sagar) and was produced by the word power in the immortal abode ‘Satlok’ which is the residence of Satpurush/Shabad Swaroopi Ram. Expelled due to her fault along with her husband Kaal from the eternal world Sachhkhand; Goddess Durga now resides in twenty-one universes and is a partner in crime with her husband Brahm-Kaal in torturing and keeping innocent souls mislead and trapped in Trigunmayee Maya.

Let us study evidence in Durga Purana about the spiritual knowledge of great sages/saints at that time regarding who is God?.

Evidence in Durga Purana About God Knowledge of Satyug's Saints

Below evidence will highlight the spiritual caliber of great saints of Satyug and the devotee society will be able to judge how wise were the contemporary sages, saints, Acharyas, and Maharishis during Satyug on the most enduring question regarding who is Supreme God?.

Ref: Shrimad Devi Bhagawat Purana Skand 6, Chapter 10 page 414, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami. Dialogue between sage Janmayjay and saint Vyas Ji.

Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Skand 6, Adhyay 10, Page 414

Janmajay asked- “Mahabhag, what is the nature of religion in every era, please explain the whole context specifically”.

Vyas Ji replied “King sure! In Satyug, Brahmins had complete knowledge of the Vedas. They used to worship Bhagwati Jagdambika (Goddess Durga) continuously. They always used to long for the sight of Bhagwati. Most of their time was spent in the recitation and remembrance of Gayatri. The recitation of Mayabeej was their prime duty. They had this eagerness that every village should establish a temple of Shakti, which means everywhere there should be a temple of Goddess Durga.

Point to Ponder:

  • Did those contemporary saints really know about Vedas?
  • Is it written anywhere in Vedas about the worship of Goddess Durga?

The Essence:- Vyas Ji is implying that Satyug Brahmins had complete knowledge of the Vedas and accordingly they used to worship Bhagwati Jagdambika. This proves that the "Great Saints" of Satyug had no knowledge about the Supreme God as Durga Ji herself talks about worshipping some other God.

Now, who is that another God whom Goddess Durga refers to is evident in the very same Durga Purana part 7 on page 562 where while giving knowledge to King Himalaya, Goddess Durga is telling to abandon even her worship and is directing to worship only one Brahm. She says his name is ‘OM’, and chants the ‘OM’ mantra. Aim to attain Brahm, with this you will prosper, and will attain him who resides in ‘Brahamlok’. She emphasizes the worship of her husband Brahm-Kaal.

Read Also: Durga's Knowledge About God According to the Durga Puran

Note: Durga's statement failed these intellectuals of Satyuga. She says to chant the mantra of Brahm, and even abandon her worship and leave everything else and these Rishis, Maharishis, Saints used to be called scholars of Vedas. They say they worship Durga, this is their level of spiritual knowledge.

Now, on the other hand, what does Brahm Kaal, the giver of the knowledge of Gita in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18 tells that even his worship is ‘Anuttam’ (inferior) since salvation cannot be attained with his devotion and creatures remain in recurrence.

In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 5, and Chapter 18 Verse 62 Brahm tells Arjun to go in the refuge of the Supreme God to attain Supreme peace and eternal abode (Satlok).

Aforesaid, shreds of evidence indicate that neither the great saints of Satyug, nor Goddess Durga and not even Brahm-Kaal knows who is Supreme God? Brahm-Kaal tells the enlightened (Tatvadarshi) saint will tell about the correct way of worship of Param Akshar Purush/Satpurush whose identity has been told in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1-4. 

Also Read: Vishnu Ji's Knowledge About God As Per Durga Puran

Who is Almighty Immortal Supreme God?

Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 tells there are three words coded mantra to attain Supreme God, which is, ‘OM-Tat-Sat’ which only a Tatvadarshi Sant provides. Chanting this till the last breath after obtaining from the true spiritual leader and by remaining in the rules of worship the seeker attains emancipation. Param Akshar Purush/Akal Purush is KavirDev who resides in ‘Dhulok’ which is the third region of the immortal abode Satlok. Seekers who do true worship attain Satpurush and get permanent relief from the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth.


God Kabir in Sacchidanandghan Brahm speech tells that

“Guru bin kahu naa paya gyana, Jyon thotha bhus chadey mudh kisana. 
Guru bin ved padhey jo praani, samjhey na saar rahey agyanee”.

Ignorant great Sages, Saints of Satyug and all disciples of pious Hindu religion have been reading Durga Purana which is in Sanskrit as well as in Hindi since ages but remained ignorant about who is God? It is only Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj who has untangled hidden spiritual facts from holy scriptures and revealed the fact that the earlier great saints, Mandaleshwars, and even divinities including Goddess Durga and Brahm-Kaal did not have true spiritual knowledge hence, remained ignorant. God Kabir is the only worshipable God. Including pious Durga Purana, all holy books provide evidence of the same. 

FAQs about Knowledge of Satyug Saints About God As Per Durga Purana

Q.1 Which God was worshiped in Satyug?

It was seen that saints in Satyuga used to worship Goddess Durga. Recitation of Mayabeej was their prime duty. While as mentioned in Durga Puran on page 562 that Durga ji herself rejects her worship and urges to go into the refuge of Brahm and chant mantra Om. In fact, as per Holy Gita Ji Chapter 8 Verse 16, merely chanting mantra Om cannot attain salvation. But the worship done by Satyug Saints has been rejected in Durga Puran. Ever worshipping God is one and only KavirDev.

Q.2 Who is the God of 4 Era?

In Satyuga people used to live for thousands of years but this life span decreased in later eras. As seen in the last era of Kaliyuga it has remained only 60-70 years.

Q. 3 What was the life age in Satyug?

The age of humans used to be ten-lac years in starting in Satyug. In the end it remains one-lac years.

Q.4 What are the signs of Satyug?

Satyug is completely different in comparison with Kaliyug. People used to be humble, generous, kind, god loving and used to do good deeds. The environment used to be clean and people used to hardly fall ill. People used to be full of virtues. In spite of doing worship against holy scriptures, God used to fulfill their wishes.

Q.5 Who is the God of Kalyug?

It is only Supreme God Kabir Who has complete supremacy over everything everywhere in every era. He descended in the Kaliyug 625 years ago from now with the name Kabir only. He has descended yet again and is playing divine spectacle in the cover of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj from Haryana, India.

Q.6 Which god was born in Treta Yuga?

God is never born and does not die. He is self proclaimed. Kabir is God who came in Treta Yuga by the name of sage Muninder. He met pious soul Hanuman ji, Nal and Neer, Mandodri (wife of Ravan) and Vibhishan (brother of Ravan) and many others. People out of ignorance believe Ramchandra, son of Dushrath to be God in Tretayug who was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu who after completing his role died.

Q.7 What was the height in Satyug?

100-150 feet

Q.8 Who is Kalki avtar?

The last avatar of Vishnu ji is renowned as Kalki avatar who will appear in the last phase of Kaliyug. He will come into a time where people with bad intentions have accumulated in large numbers. And he will establish peace by killing people. And it is the difference between the avatar of other gods and Supreme God Kabir. Supreme God Kabir establishes peace through His true spiritual knowledge instead of killing people. Killing people cannot bring peace. It in turn brings more destruction.

Q.9 Is Sat Yuga real?

Yes, Satyug is real as there are 4 eras. After Satyug comes Tretayuga then Dwaparyuga and fourth is Kaliyuga.

Q.10 What happens in Satyug?

Satyug is the purest era of living where people are found to be honest, god fearing, kind and generous. People are full of virtues and their wishes are fulfilled by God.


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Preeti Chadda

Our ancestors used to worship Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva since this was told by priests and the same we do. What's wrong with worshipping them?

Satlok Ashram

Evidence from Durga Purana proves that due to lack of true spiritual knowledge contemporary sages, saints remained deprived about the truth that who is worshipable God? They considered Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to be supreme God whereas the fact is they are just the head of one department in 21 universes of Brahm Kaal and are in the cycle of birth and death. They are not worshipable since they are not the provider of salvation. Almighty KavirDev is the supreme power. He only is worshipable God and provider of salvation.

Vaibhav Kumar

Scholars of Vedas means Brahmans who are the means to connect disciples with God tell to worship Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv to attain salvation. Are they supreme or is there some other supreme God?

Satlok Ashram

Scholars of Vedas since Satyuga were ignorant about true spiritual knowledge. They did not know that Kabir is God. There is an eternal world Satlok. Their knowledge was just confined to Demi gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva hence preached the same. Evidence from Durga Purana proves that Sages, Saints, Brahmins of Satyuga in spite of having knowledge of Vedas were ignorant about the worshipable God who is none other than KavirDev.

Devender Sharma

Can Salvation be attained by worshipping Goddess Durga and Chanting OM mantra?

Satlok Ashram

No, salvation can only be attained by chanting the mantra of Almighty KavirDev mentioned in Gita Chapter 17 Verse 23 (indicative). These mantras have to be obtained from an enlightened Saint. Presently Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Satguru, Tatvadarshi Saint providing scriptures-based true devotion and granting true salvation mantras.

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