Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in Birth and Death - Durga Puran

Hindu Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv) Are Mortal in Durga Puran

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in birth and death. Goddess Durga is the Mother of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva

The Three Gunas

“The three gunas (qualities) are Rajgun - Brahma, Satgun - Vishnu, and Tamgun Shiv. They have taken birth from Brahm (Kaal) and Prakriti (Durga) and all three are perishable.”

Evidence:Shri Shiv Mahapuran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, on page no. 110, Adhyay 9, Rudra Sanhita “In this way, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv, the three gods have qualities, but Shiv (Brahm-Kaal) is said to be beyond qualities.”

Evidence:Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, Page 11-12, Adhyay 5, Shlok 8

Yadi dayardramna na sadambike kathamhaM vihitH ch tamogunaH Kamaljshch rajogunsambhavH suvihitH kimu satvguno HariH (8)

Translation: - God Shankar said, “Oh Mother! If you are kind to us then why did you make me Tamogun, why did you make Brahma, who has originated from lotus, Rajgun, and why did you make Vishnu, Satgun?” i.e. why did you engage us in the evil deed of the birth and death of the living beings?

Brahma Vishnu and Shiv are in Birth and Death

Evidence:Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123: - 

Devi Bhagwad Maha Puran

Translation: - God Vishnu prayed to Durga: said that I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing by your grace. We have birth (aavirbhaav) and death (tirobhaav). We are not eternal (immortal). Only you are eternal, are the mother of the world (jagat janani), are Prakriti, and Goddess Sanatani (existing for time immemorial). God Shiv said: If god Brahma, and god Vishnu have taken birth from you, then am I, Shankar, who was born after them and perform Tamoguni leela (divine play), not your son? Henceforth, you are my mother too. Your gunas are always present everywhere in this world’s creation, preservation, and destruction. The three of us, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, born of these three gunas (qualities) remain devoted to work according to the regulations.

Evidence in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran Sabhashtikam Smahatyam

The above-mentioned description is from Shri Devi Mahapuran which is translated in Hindi, and in which some of the facts have been concealed. Therefore, see this very evidence in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran Sabhashtikam Smahatyam, Khemraj Shri Krishna Das Prakashan Mumbai. In this, besides translation in Hindi, text is also given in Sanskrit. Skand 3, Adhyay 4, Page no. 10, Shlok 42: -

Brahma Aham MaheshwarH fil te prabhawatsarve vyaM jani na yada tu nityaH, Ke anye suraH shatmakh pramukhaH ch nitya nitya twamev janani PrakritiH Purana (42)

Translation: - Oh Mother! Brahma, I, and Shiv take birth from your influence only, are not eternal i.e we are not immortal, then how can other Indra etc, gods be eternal. Only you are immortal, are Prakriti and Sanatani Devi (42).

Conclusion: It has been proved from the above-mentioned evidences that — Rajgun is Brahma, Satgun is Vishnu and Tamgun is Shiv. These three are perishable. Durga’s husband is Brahm (Kaal). This has also been proved that Durga and Brahm (Kaal) are in form.

Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, Page 11-12,

Adhyay 5, Shlok 12: - Ramayse swapatiM purushM sada tav gatiM na hi vih vid am shive | (12)

Translation: - You are always doing sexual intercourse with your husband purush i.e. Kaal God. Nobody knows your state.

Third Skand, page no. 14, Adhyay 5 Shlok 43: -

Ekameva dwitiyM yat Brahm veda vadanti vae Sa kiM tvam vaaapyasau va kiM sandehM vinivartay (43)

Translation: The one, who has been called as unequalled only one Purna Brahm in the Vedas, is that you only or is it someone else? Dispel this doubt of mine. On Brahma Ji's request Devi said -

Devyuvaach sadaektvaM na bhedosti sarvdaev mamaasya ch||
yosau saahamahM yosau bhedosti mativibhrmaat ||2||
AavyorantarM sookshmM yo ved matimaanhi saH|| 
vimuktH sa tu sansaaranmuchyate naatra sanshayH ||3|| 

Translation: Devi said - What he is, I am; what I am, he is. Because of mental confusion, a difference is perceived ||2|| He, who knows the subtle difference between the two of us, only he is intelligent i.e. is Tatvdarshi; becoming separate from the world he gets liberated. There is no doubt about this ||3|| 

SumarnaaddarshanM tubhyaM daasyehM vishme sthite ||
SwartvyahaM sadaa devaH parmatma sanatanH ||80||
UbhyoH sumarnaadev karyasiddhir sanshaym′|| Brahmovaach ||
Ityuktva vissarjasmaand tva shaktiH susanskrtaan′||81||
Vishnveth mahalakshmi mahakaaliM shivaay ch ||
mahasarasvatiM mahayM sthaanaattsmadwisarjitaH ||82||

Translation - In a situation of crisis I will appear before you only when you will remember me. Gods! Always remember me as the power of the Parmatma Sanatan Dev ||80|| Your tasks will definitely be accomplished by the rememberance of both of us. Brahma Ji said - in this way endowing power, bade us farewell ||81|| MahaLakshmi to Vishnu, MahaKaali to Shiv and giving MahaSarasvati to me, bade us farewell ||82|| 

Mm chaev shareerM vae sootramityabhidheeyate sthoolM shareerM vakshyami brahmanH parmatmanH ||83|| 

Translation: Durga said - My body is said to be like a beautiful cloth; God Brahm is said to have a material body ||83||

The Essence of the Above-mentioned Statements of Purans

It has been clarified that Shri Brahma Ji is Rajgun, Shri Vishnu Ji is Satgun and Shri Shiv Ji is Tamgun. These three gods are perishable and they have birth and death. Durga is also known as Prakriti. Durga's husband is Brahm (Kshar Purush / Kaal). She keeps doing sexual intercourse with him. Durga and Brahm are both in form in material bodies.

This very evidence is also in Gita Adhyay 14 Shlok 3 to 5. Brahm (Kshar Purush / Kaal), the giver of the knowledge of Gita, is saying that Prakriti (Durga) is my wife. I place the seed in her womb, by which all the living beings are born. I am the father of all (the living beings of the twenty-one brahmands) and Prakriti (Durga / Ashtangi) is the mother of all. The three gunas (Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu and Tamgun-Shiv), born of this very Durga (Prakriti / Ashtangi), bind the other living beings to the bondage of actions. 


FAQs about Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are in Birth and Death - Durga Puran

Q.1 Were God Brahma and God Vishnu born from God Shiva?

Absolutely not, they are born from Satan (Kaal Brahm) and Durga ji. As stated in Holy Gita Ji Chapter 14 Verse 3 to 5 it proves the same. All of the three Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh are the three sons of Satan (Kaal Brahm) and Durga ji.

Q.2 How was Shiva Vishnu and Brahma born?

It is evident from Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123 and Holy Gita ji chapter 14 verse 3 to 5 that all three Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh have been originated from the husband wife relationship of Satan (Kaal Brahm) and Durga ji.

Q. 3 Who was born first Vishnu or Shiva?

Vishnu ji was born before Shiv ji. Satan (Kaal Brahm) and Durga ji are their parents. Brahma Ji is the eldest, Vishnu ji is their second son and youngest is Shiva. All three are brothers.

Q.4 Who is the father of God Shiva?

As told in Holy Gita Ji Chapter 14 Verse 3 to 5 Satan (Kaal Brahm) is the father of Shiva and Durga ji is his mother. The same has been also told in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123.

Q.5 Was Lord Shiva born?

Yes, he was born to Satan (Kaal Brahm) who is the owner of 21 universes and his wife Goddess Durga.

Q.6 Who is the father of all Gods?

As stated in Holy Gita Ji Chapter 8 Verse 3 and Verse 8-10 that Param Akshar Brahm or Kabir Sahib is the father of each and every soul. We used to live in Satlok and have been entrapped here by our own mistakes. We need to attain salvation and go back to Satlok.

Q.7 Who is the top god?

As mentioned in Holy Gita Ji Chapter 8 Verse 3 and Verse 8 to 10, Kabir Saheb Who came onto the holy land of Kashi 625 years ago is the Supreme God worthy of being worshiped.

Q.8 Where is lord Shiva alive?

Lord Shiva resides in Shivlok with his wife Parvati ji. Lord Shiva is said to have the longest age amongst Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh but he is not immortal and will die one day.

Q.9 Who is the mother of Mahadev?

As stated in Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123, Durga ji is the mother of Shiv ji who is also known as Mahadev amongst people.

Q.10 Is Durga mother of Shiva?

Yes, as is clear from holy scriptures (Durga Purana, Shiv Purana, Markandeya Puran, pious Gita Ji) Durga ji is the mother of Shiva.


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Aarti Singh

I am a worshipper of Lord Shiva, the supreme God and chant 'OM Namah Shivaya' mantra, will I be able to attain salvation with his devotion?

Satlok Ashram

Lord Shiva is in the cycle of birth and death. He himself hasn't attained salvation then how can his worshippers be liberated? 'OM namah shivaya' mantra is arbitrary and holds no evidence in any holy scriptures. Its useless. There is a specific mantra of Lord Shiva that is granted by the enlightened Saint. His blessings are obtained by chanting that salvation mantra. For that you need to take initiation from Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is Satguru and is only authorised to grant true salvation mantras.

Bunty Arora

Who amongst Trinity Gods is supreme -Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji or Shiv Ji?

Satlok Ashram

None of the three is supreme. They have limited powers. All three are in the cycle of birth and death. Almighty KavirDev is the supreme power. He is immortal and a provider of salvation.

Manish Chadda

What is the relation between Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv and Durga Ji?

Satlok Ashram

Goddess Durga is the mother of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Piyush Kumar

Can Lord Vishnu grant salvation?

Satlok Ashram

No, Lord Vishnu heads the Satogun department in 21 universes. His powers are limited. He is in the cycle of birth and death and hasn't been liberated. Only God Kabir can provide salvation.

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