Spiritual Discussion - Sant Rampal Ji & Parkhi Abhilash Das Kabir Panthi - Allahabad


In this debate, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj strongly refute the misconceptions propagated by Parkhi Abhilash Das. The debate explores the concepts of Spiritual truth and arbitrary falsehood. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj disprove Parkhi Abhilash Das's spiritual beliefs by drawing evidences from sacred scriptures such as the Gita and the Vedas. This debate will help you determine who is the true Saint based on genuine Spiritual knowledge.

Who is Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj? 

Sant Rampal Ji is a beneficent Spiritual Saint (Kabir Panthi) who teaches the renunciation of evils and the adoption of the righteous path as prescribed by the spiritual scriptures. He is correcting the wrong practices prevalent in society and the misinformation spread about God.

Who is Parkhi Abhilash Das?

Parkhi Abhilash Das is also a follower of Kabir. He belongs to Allahabad Gaddi. He considers Kabir Saheb ji as Sadhguru but on the other hand, he believes that Kabir Saheb ji was a human being. He has written a 700-page summary of the Gita, by selecting some verses of his choice from the Gita, he wrote Gita Saar and studied the Vedas and wrote books on them. The Parkhi sect considers Kabir Saheb only as a revered Sadguru rather than as a God. He does not even believe that a place like Sachkhand/Satlok exists, and his actions reveal that he is a complete atheist who considers human beings (Jeev as Bharm) as God. His ultimate goal is to achieve state of thoughtlessness during meditation.

Main points of the Spiritual Debate:

● What is the doctrine of the Parakhi sect and its main scripture?

● Is Kabir Saheb ji God or just a human being?

● Who is Sadhguru?

● Information about the lotus situated in the human body?

● Who is the creator of the world?

● What do the Vedas say about God?

● What is the essence of the religious text, Gita?

● Can the effects of fate be nullified?

● What is salvation?

● Which is the true Kabir sect?

Principles of Parkhi Abhilash Das and his sect (Parakhi sect)

1. Man (Jeev) himself is Bharm.

2. There is no creator of the universe.

3. There is no God.

4. Sins cannot be erased - There is no one who can show grace or mercy, and man suffers the consequences of whatever he does.

5. There is no need to chant mantras.

6. There is no place like Satlok.

Creation of this Universe

Parkhi Abhilash Das states that the universe was not created; it has existed since the beginning. According to him, there is no creator of this universe because there is no power like God. Sant Rampal Ji refers to Gita Chapter 16, Verses 6, 7, 8, and 9, and strongly refutes this notion. Sant Rampal Ji states that the idea that there is no creator of this universe is not only foolish but also demonic according to the Gita. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has said that the Supreme God in the Vedas is KavirDev. And God is corporeal, He lives in Satlok.

Path of Worship

Parkhi Abhilash Das shares his views that salvation cannot be achieved by chanting mantras, but through meditation. He explains that the essence of meditation lies in the cessation of thoughts. Alternatively, one can focus on the sensation of warmth or the rhythmic flow of the breath. These techniques serve as helpful exercises to still the mind during meditation, and the final method is to think about nothing. On the other hand, Sant Rampal ji provides mantras in three stages. By chanting these mantras, a person can attain salvation and become a permanent resident of Satlok. 

Sant Rampal Ji states that people like Abhilash Das distorted spiritual knowledge and doing injustice to the holy souls and seekers of God. Watch the entire debate to know more.


FAQs : "Spiritual Discussion - Sant Rampal Ji & Parkhi Abhilash Das Kabir Panthi - Allahabad"

Q.1 What are the main differences between Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj proves from scripture that Kabir Saheb is God and advocates chanting mantras for salvation, while Parkhi Abhilash Das sees Kabir Saheb as a revered Sadhguru and emphasizes meditation for salvation.

Q.2 Who do Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das consider as Sadhguru?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj considers Sadhguru as a mediator between soul and the Supreme God Kabir Ji, while Parkhi Abhilash Das regards Sadhguru as Kabir Saheb Ji.

Q. 3 What is the approach to spiritual practices advocated by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj advocates chanting mantras provided in stages for salvation as mentioned in Gita Ji, while Parkhi Abhilash Das emphasizes meditation, focusing on thoughtlessness which is against our scriptures.

Q.4 How do Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das view the creation of the universe?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj believes in a creator, the Supreme God KavirDev, while Parkhi Abhilash Das denies the existence of a creator and believes the universe has always existed.

Q.5 What is the stance of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das on the concept of divine grace?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj advocates divine grace and mercy, stating that sins can be erased through devotion, while Parkhi Abhilash Das denies the existence of divine grace.

Q.6 How do Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das interpret religious texts like the Gita and the Vedas?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj draws evidence from sacred scriptures to support his teachings, while Parkhi Abhilash Das writes summaries of texts, emphasizing meditation and denying scriptural beliefs.

Q.7 What is the perspective of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Parkhi Abhilash Das on the concept of Satlok?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj teaches about Satlok as the divine realm of the Supreme God as mentioned in spiritual texts, while Parkhi Abhilash Das denies its existence, focusing on achieving thoughtlessness during meditation instead which is against spiritual texts, hence futile.


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CA Prajwal Aggarwal

The video was very insightful and provided a wonderful comparison of two gurus, as well as a clarity of thought on what is written in our scriptures. I have seen many spiritual discourses, but such a wonderful debate as shown in the video is rare, where the scriptures are brought to life.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your opinion on our article. It's great that you find our article insightful and the video informative. Our aim is to provide true spiritual knowledge based on the holy scriptures of all religions so that the doubts of devotees can be resolved about God and spirituality, ensuring that their human lives are not wasted in worship contrary to scripture. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is tirelessly striving to provide true spiritual knowledge about God, which can alleviate pain and suffering and provide all the materialistic benefits of this world. Therefore, we recommend you to read the book "Gyan Ganga" and listen to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj available on different social media platforms for more information.

Sanket Patel

It's good that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj provides proof of every spiritual practice he guides his devotees through, but it's not right to criticize other gurus to make oneself appear superior.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we value your opinion on our article. If a teacher is teaching you incorrectly, then it is the duty of another teacher who knows the right answer to correct that teacher. Similarly, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is correcting other gurus who are misguiding devotees without knowing the scriptures. You should be grateful that Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is striving for the welfare of you and society without any self-gain. Without true devotion to God, human life will be wasted, and the individual will suffer in 84 lakh body forms; at that time, no one will save you. Hence, we request that before forming any judgment, please understand the pure intention of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj by reading the book "Gyan Ganga" and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.