At present the spiritual path has become very complicated as a result of which it has become difficult to know which Guru is real and which is fake. So in order to avoid fake gurus, people begin to stay away from real gurus also. This distinction between real and fake Gurus can be done through this spiritual debate between Geeta Manishi Shri Swami Gyananand Ji and Jagatguru Tatvdarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji.
Gyananand Ji tells that his principal deity is Shri Krishna Ji. He says that for complete salvation one has to chant Hare Ram, Hare Krishna mantra. On the birth and death of Shri Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh ji, he says that it cannot be said that they die, but somewhere they get unified in the Supreme God.
He says that the meaning of the word ‘Anuttam’ in Chapter 7 Verse 18 of Geeta Ji is ‘best’ whereas Uttam means best and Anuttam means sub-standard i.e. inferior.
Similarly, in Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, the giver of the knowledge of Gita says that O Arjun, go to the refuge of God by whose grace you will attain ultimate peace and the eternal supreme abode. Now the question is, who is that God in whose refuge the giver of knowledge of Gita is asking to go? On this Gyananand ji says that there is no other God, he is talking about himself.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj by comparing Gyananand Ji's spiritual knowledge with the scriptures, proved that Gyananand Ji is not having any knowledge of the scriptures that is why he is making mistakes in the translations of Geeta Ji.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji has proved from Geeta Ji that for complete salvation one has to chant three mantras - Om Tat Sat Hai, which are mentioned in the 23 verse of Geeta Chapter 17. Similarly, Saint Rampal ji proved the birth and death of Shri Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh from Shri Devi Puran.
Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj proves from verse 62 of Chapter 18 of Gita ji that Arjun was asked to take refuge in someone other than the knowledge giver of Gita ji. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has given the correct meaning of ‘Anuttam’ in the 18th verse of the 7th Chapter of His translation of Geeta.
The debate of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Shri Gyananand revealed that Gyananand ji has no knowledge of the scriptures. He did not provide any proof for his points. On the other hand, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji gave proof for each of his claims from the religious scriptures. This proves that Gyananand ji is just pretending to be Geeta Manishi. Because of selfish people like these, Hindu society today has moved far away from the truth of scriptures.
Through this debate, it has become clear who is telling the worship according to the scriptures and who is telling the worship against the scriptures.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj advocates chanting three mantras - Om Tat Sat, citing Geeta Chapter 17 Verse 23, whereas Gyananand Ji promotes the Hare Ram, Hare Krishna mantra which is not mentioned in any Holy scriptures.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj cites Shri Devi Puran to support the idea of the birth and death of Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, while Gyananand Ji suggests they do not die but get unified in the Supreme God.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj interprets 'Anuttam' as inferior, consistent with its conventional meaning, while Gyananand Ji suggests it signifies 'best', contrary to traditional understanding.
Gyananand Ji asserts that the refuge mentioned in Verse 62 refers to himself, while Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj explains correct meaning of the verse that God is directing Arjun for seeking refuge in someone other than Him.
Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj provides evidence from religious scriptures to support his claims, demonstrating a thorough understanding, whereas Gyananand Ji fails to substantiate his assertions with scriptural proof.
The debate exposes the prevalence of misleading spiritual leaders like Gyananand Ji, who is misguiding followers due to a lack of scriptural knowledge, contributing to a departure from the true teachings of Hindu scriptures.
The debate serves as a litmus test to discern between authentic spiritual guidance, exemplified by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's evidence-based approach, and misleading teachings propagated by individuals like Gyananand Ji, thus aiding seekers in identifying genuine spiritual paths
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Anmol Sharma
It's notable that Swami Gyananand Ji is much older than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and is regarded as a scholar of the holy scripture Bhagwad Geeta. So it's obvious that he possesses more knowledge than Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj, so it's inappropriate to pass judgment.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we value your engagement with our article. Age alone doesn't guarantee wisdom. Those blessed by God can interpret scriptures accurately at any age. Our intention isn't to belittle anyone but to shed light on the truth as per our scriptures and how following the right path of worship can lead to spiritual benefits. Unfortunately, some gurus, lacking true spiritual understanding, knowingly or unknowingly misguide society. Hence, we encourage you to discern truth by listening to Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's scripture-based spiritual discourses and reading the book Gyan Ganga.