Spiritual Discussion- Sant Rampal Ji & Dr Zakir Naik


Today, through this video, we aim to clarify misconceptions and help you identify:

  • The segments of the Holy Quran that point to the Almighty and Satan.
  • Resolve myths that have misled not only the Muslim community but also humanity at large.

Myth 1: God Is Formless

Muslim religious preachers, like Dr. Zakir Naik, have given teachings that might mislead you into believing that God is formless. Contrary to this, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj teaches that God has a human-like form, which aligns with the Holy Quran mentioning that God created mankind in His image. Can a formless entity do actions like sitting on a throne, talking to Adam, making garments, and walking in a garden? God has a human-like appearance, but His body is not made up of five elements; it is made up of "Light," making His body effulgent.

Myth 2: The Giver of the Knowledge of the Holy Quran is the Supreme God

Dr. Zakir Naik, among others, has propagated that the giver of the knowledge of all holy scriptures is the Supreme God. However, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj explains that even in the Holy Quran, in Surah-As-Sajdah 32 ayat 4 and Surah Baqarah 2 ayat 255, it mentions a Supreme Power other than Allah. If the speaker of the Holy Quran is Allah, why does he refer to another entity as Allah and use "Him" in his statements? This indicates that Allah is someone else, not the speaker of the Holy Quran.

Myth 3: God Ordered Mankind to Consume Animals For Food

According to Dr. Zakir Naik's belief, God ordered the consumption of animals for food. But, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj clarifies that the Abrahamic religious books, the Holy Quran and Holy Bible, mention consuming seed-bearing plants and fruits. See Holy Bible Genesis 1 verses 27-29. The order to consume animals comes from the speaker of the Holy Quran, not from God, as mentioned in Surah-Al-Maidah 5 ayat 1, 3 and Surah-Al-Mu’min 40 ayat 79.

Myth 4: There Is No Birth and Death

Dr. Zakir Naik believes that there is no birth and death, and souls remain in graves until Judgment Day (Qayamat). However, Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj presents evidence from various Surahs in the Holy Quran that contradicts this belief. The Holy Quran Majid mentions creation, destruction along with the cycle of birth and death. 

For evidence, please see Surah Kahf 18 ayat 47, 48; Surah Mulk 67 ayat 2; Surah-Ar-Rum 30 ayat 11; Surah Anbiya 21 ayat 104; Surah-Al-Baqarah 2 ayat 25, 28, 29

Prophet Muhammad's experiences, as described in his memoir, also challenge this belief.


Misconceptions are present in every religion, emphasising the importance of seeking true knowledge and understanding scriptures deeply. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's teachings serve to address these misconceptions and guide individuals towards a more profound comprehension of spirituality. Through the spiritual debate between Dr. Jakir Naik and Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, many myths have been dispelled, and the hidden knowledge of the Quran Sharif has been brought to light. This debate has been instrumental in clarifying misunderstandings and providing insight into the true essence of religious teachings.


FAQs : "Spiritual Discussion- Sant Rampal Ji & Dr Zakir Naik"

Q.1 How do Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Dr. Zakir Naik differ in their interpretation of God's form according to the Holy Quran?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj proves from Quran Shariff that God has a human-like form, while Dr. Zakir Naik teaches that God is formless, which is against their Holy scripture.

Q.2 What are the contrasting views of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Dr. Zakir Naik regarding the speaker of the Holy Quran?

Dr. Zakir Naik identifies Supreme God as the speaker of the Holy Quran, while Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj proves the speaker is not the Supreme God.

Q. 3 How do the dietary recommendations differ between Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Dr. Zakir Naik based on their interpretations of the Holy Quran?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj emphasizes consuming seed-bearing plants and fruits as primary dietary choices as per the order of Supreme God, whereas Dr. Zakir Naik's teachings include the consumption of animals for food which is against the order of Supreme God.

Q.4 What are the conflicting perspectives of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Dr. Zakir Naik on the concept of birth and death in Islam?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj provides the supporting evidence about the cycle of birth and death, whereas Dr. Zakir Naik suggests that souls remain in graves until Judgment Day which is against the knowledge of Quran Shariff.

Q.5 How do Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and Dr. Zakir Naik approach the resolution of religious misconceptions within their teachings?

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj advocates for seeking true knowledge and understanding scriptures deeply to address misconceptions, while Dr. Zakir Naik doesn't focus on clarifying misunderstandings, he is only promoting traditional Islamic teachings.


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Imran Khan

Our Islam is the best religion in the entire world and we know the order of Allah better than you so please don't propagate your religion because we are not going to follow anyone.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your perspective, but we believe that the best religion in the entire world is the religion of humanity. We are all children of one God, and we view each other as brothers and sisters. Our aim is to share true knowledge based on the holy scriptures of all religions, not just one. The information provided in our video and article is rooted in the teachings of the Holy Quran Sharif. We kindly request you to consider this knowledge and watch the entire video before forming a judgment. For further insights, we suggest reading the book Gyan Ganga and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.

Javed Ali

This video provides critical analysis of our Islam religion I am perplexed right and wrong because Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is providing the knowledge from Quran Sharif and I am amazed How we were not able to understand this earlier? It's really a great movement and I really appreciate the cuts of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj challenge all gurus. Still I will discover more before making any judgement I am a God seeker and I value all the religion.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, we appreciate your open-mindedness and your quest for spiritual understanding across religious boundaries. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj indeed offers insights from the Quran Sharif, shedding light on aspects that may not have been previously understood. It's commendable that you're willing to delve deeper before forming a conclusive judgment. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's teachings, rooted in the holy scriptures of various religions, aim to guide seekers like yourself on the true spiritual path. We encourage you to explore further by reading the book Gyan Ganga and listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj.