All About 3 Gunas (Qualities) Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

All About Three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas)

The curiosity amongst devotees in the entire world has always been to understand what are the three Gunas (Qualities)? What do Rajas, Sattva and Tamas mean? Also, what are the similarities between Rajas and Rajogun, Sattva and Satogun and Tamas and Tamogun?

Let us find out.

Various philosophies prevalent amongst devotee society provide vivid explanation of the three Gunas (Qualities) which are present in all living beings and things in the world. The belief is that these innate qualities and tendencies divide the whole universe into two main categories which are Prakriti and Purush. To understand what are the Gunas of Prakriti, Let us give you an overview:-

  • Who is Prakriti?- Prakriti is Maya or illusion (unreal). All which is not changeable and infinite is part of Maya in this world like qualities (Gunas) present in all at various predominance. Like the worldly people driven by egocentric desires possess Rajas Guna. Virtuous souls who abide by righteousness possess Sattva Guna and sinners or evil-doers possess Tamas Guna.
  • Who is Purush?- Purush is symbolic of reality, all of which is eternal like the existence of life, the self, the soul, the universe all that is unchangeable.

Lord Kabir describes Prakriti (Maya) & Purush. He says

एके पुरुष एक नारी, ताकर करूं विचारा - 'There is only one male-Purush (Supreme God - Paramatma) and just one female (Prakriti)'. Give a thought. 

एके नारी जाल पसारा, जग में भरा अंदेशा. “There is just one woman (Maya / Prakriti) who has spread her web, the whole world is confused between truth (sat) and untruth (asat)”

The Complete God and Prakriti (Maya), Both are Eternal

Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Adhyay 13 Shloka 19 & 21 provides evidence of the existence of Prakriti and Purush and three Gunas (qualities) Rajas, Sattva, Tamas. 

Shloka 19

Prakṛitiṁ puruṣhaṁ cha eva viddhy anādī ubhāv api II
Vikārān cha guṇān cha eva viddhi prakṛiti-sambhavān  II 19 II

The giver of the knowledge of Gita says to Arjun that “Prakriti/Maya (Rajeshwari Shakti with whom all Brahamands are made stable by the Supreme God) and Purush (the complete God) consider them to be eternal (they are never created) three Gunas (Rajas, Sattva, Tamas) and vices (lust-Kaam, anger-Krodh, greed-Lobh, affection-Moh, arrogance-Ahankar) all are created by Prakriti only”

Shlok 21

PuruṣhH  prakṛiti-stH hi bhuṅkte prakṛiti-jān guṇān II
Kāraṇaṁ guṇa-saṅgH  asya sad-asad-yoni-janmasu II 21 II

Kaal tells “O Arjun! Param Akshar Brahm (Satpurush) like the sun is omnipresent and is seated in Prakriti (Maya). Born from Prakriti these three Gunas (Rajogun-Brahma, Satogun-Vishnu, and Tamogun-Shiva) for those indulgers their prime is also Parmatma (the supreme soul). He only provides destined rewards and punishments to seekers basis their earlier birth sacraments ie. that complete God (Puran Brahm)”

What are the Gunas (Qualities) Rajas, Sattva and Tamas?

Let's move to the next topic: What are the three Gunas (Qualities) or what is meant by Gunas?

Well, Gunas means all hues of primary qualities or modes of nature which are present in all living beings in various degrees of combination as per their spiritual progress and purity. In abstract discussion, they may be desirable or undesirable or neutral, as the innate nature of an individual, their actions, various personality traits, psychological attributes of people, the attachments, involvement with the world, etc. Whereas, if unspecified, they are usually associated with the divine and good faith.  

From the perspective of spiritualism, a lot of holy scriptures provide explicit reference about the Gunas (qualities) associated with the Hindu Trinity (Trimurti) ie. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva equipped with Rajas, Sattva, and Tamas Gunas respectively. Important to note is that one or the other guna (quality) more or less dominates in every human being which determines his/her personality. 

Let's try to understand the concept of three Gunas in detail basis evidence from various holy scriptures:-

  • What are Three Gunas (Qualities) According to Hinduism?
  • What is the Root and Origin of the Three Gunas?
  • What is Rajoguna (Rajas)?
  • What is Satoguna (Sattva)?
  • What is Tamoguna (Tamas)?
  • Influence/effect of Three Gunas on Entire Existence/Living Beings
  • Can Human Beings Influence the Three Gunas?
  • What is Trigun Maya?
  • How to Balance These Three Gunas?
  • Which Lord is Associated with Which Guna (Quality)? 
  • How does Trimurti Exert the Influence of Their Three Gunas in this World? 
  • How can We Overcome the Effect of These Three Gunas?
  • Who is that Supreme Power Who can Curb the Effect of Maya?
  • What is that True Way of Worship which Neutralizes the Effect of Three Gunas?

What are Three Gunas (Sattva, Rajas, Tamas) According to Hinduism?

The three Gunas (qualities) according to Hinduism are Rajogun (Rajas) Brahma, Satogun (Sattva) Vishnu, and Tamogun (Tamas) Shiv. They have taken birth from Brahm (Kaal, Satan) and Prakriti (Durga Devi) and all three are perishable."

  • Evidence: - Shri Shiv Mahapuran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Page no. 24 to 26, Vidhveshwar Sanhita, and page no. 110, Adhyay 9, Rudra Sanhita

"In this way, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (Shankar), the three gods have qualities, but Lord Shiv (Brahm-Kaal) is said to be beyond qualities."

  • Second evidence: - Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, published from Gitapress Gorakhpur, edited by Shri Hanuman Prasad Poddar and Chiman Lal Goswami, Skand 3, Adhyay 5, page no.123:-

God Vishnu prayed to Durga: said that I (Vishnu), Brahma, and Shankar are existing by your grace. We have birth (aavirbhaav) and death (tirobhaav). We are not eternal (immortal). Only you are eternal, are the mother of the world (Jagat-Janani), are Prakriti, and Goddess Sanatani (existing for time immemorial). 

God Shiv said: “If god Brahma and god Vishnu have taken birth from you, then am I, Shankar, who was born after them and perform Tamoguni Leela (divine play), not your son? Henceforth, you are my mother too. Your Gunas are always present everywhere in this world's creation, preservation, and destruction. Born of these three Gunas (qualities), we, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shankar, remain devoted to work according to the regulations.

The above-mentioned description is from Shri Devi Mahapuran which is only translated in Hindi, in which some of the facts have been concealed. Therefore, see this very evidence in

  • Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Mahapuran Sabhashtikam Smahatyam, Khemraj Shri Krishna Das Prakashan Mumbai. In this, Hindi translation is written along with Sanskrit. Skand 3, Adhyay 4, Page no. 10, Shlok 42:-

Brahma Aham MaheshwarH fil te prabhawatsarve vyaM jani yuta na yada tu nityaH, Ke anye suraH shatmakh pramukhaH ch nitya nitya twamev janani PrakritiH Purana ||(42)||

Translation:- Oh Mother! Brahma, I, and Shiv take birth from your influence only, are not eternal i.e we are not immortal, then how can other Indra, etc, gods be eternal. Only you are immortal, are Prakriti and Sanatani Devi (42).

  • Page no. 11-12 Adhyay 5, Shlok 8: -

Yadi dayardramna na sadambike kathamhaM vihitH ch tamogunaH Kamaljshch rajogunsambhavH suvihitH kimu satvguno HariH | |(8)||

Translation:- God Shankar said, "Oh Mother! If you are kind to us then why did you make me Tamogun (Tamas), why did you make Brahma, who originated from lotus, Rajogun (Rajas), and why did you make Vishnu, Satogun (Sattva)?" i.e. why did you engage us in the evil deed of the birth and death of living beings?'.

Hence proved Rajogun is Brahma, Satogun is Vishnu and Tamogun is Shiv Shankar

Shlok 12:Ramayse swapatiM purushM sada tav gatiM na hi vih vid am shive || (12)||

Translation: - You (Prakriti) are always doing sexual intercourse with your husband purush i.e. Kaal God. Nobody knows your state.

  • Sanchipt  Markande Puran published & printer by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Govind Bhawan Karyalay, Kolkata ka Sansthan, page 123

Markande Ji said “Rajogun dominated Brahma, Tamogun dominated Rudra (Shiv) and Satogun dominated sustainer of this world is Vishnu. These are three gods and three Gunas”

Conclusion: The above-mentioned evidence from pious ShivMahapuran, Shrimad Devi Bhagavad and Markande Puran proved that - Rajogun (Rajas) is Brahma, Satogun (Sattva) is Vishnu and Tamogun (Tamas) is Shiv. These three are perishable. Durga's husband is Brahm (Kaal). This has also been proved that Durga (Maya) and Brahm (Kaal) are in form.

Origin of Three Gunas (Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun)

  • Ref:- Kabir Sagar Sampoorna 11 Bhag, Section 1, Kabirpanthee Bharat Pathik, Swami Yuglanand (Bihari), Printed and Published by Khemraj Shri Krishan Das Prakashan, Mumbai. Director: Shri Venkateshwar Press, Khemraj Shreekrishan Das Marg, Mumbai. Chapter Kabir Vaani, Bodhsagar. 

Description of creation of nature (Universe) in pious Kabir Sagar mentions the Devil / Satan / Kaal / Shaitan who did austerity in Satlok (the eternal world) to get a separate state and attain supernatural powers. Supreme God KavirDev as a reward of his tap (penance) provided him twenty-one Brahamands, three Gunas Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun, and five elements. Upon receiving them, Kaal (Brahm) did some creation in his twenty-one loks (regions). His consort is Goddess Durga (Prakriti Devi/Maya) from their union (act of husband-wife) three sons were born.

Kaal - Brahm in the Rajogun-dominated place created by him in Brahmlok in one Brahmand in MahaBrahma form lives with his wife Durga in MahaSavitri form. The son born from them in this place automatically becomes Rajoguni. They name him Brahma. Similarly, the second place which is Satogun dominated this Kshar Purush himself lives in Mahavishnu form and keeping his wife Durga in Mahalakshmi form gives birth to a son whom he names Vishnu. The child is endowed with Satogun. This Kaal only has built a third place there dominated with Tamogun. There he himself lives in Sadashiv form and keeps his wife Durga in the MahaParvati form. They name the son born from them as Shiva and endow him with Tamogun. 

Kaal God provides one guna (quality) to each ie. makes them responsible for one department each in the three loks (Heaven-Swarglok, Earth - Prithvilok and Nether world-Patalok in one brahmand). 

Lord Brahma Ji is equipped with Rajogun (Rajas), Lord Vishnu Ji is equipped with Satogun (Sattva) and Lord Shiva Ji is equipped with Tamogun (Tamas). This trinity for creation and regularity of the world exhibits qualities (Gunas) in living beings to perform their obligatory duties whereas the Tridevs themselves are transcendental.

The above evidence, by and large, resolve all doubts related to the origin of three Gunas (Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun).

  • This article further provides evidence from pious Shreemad Bhagavad Gita.

Let us explore

Evidence in Gita Ji, Rajogun (Rajas) is Brahma, Satogun (Sattva) is Vishnu and Tamogun (Tamas) is Shiv

All living beings & Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva originate from Kaal-Brahm & Prakriti-Durga

  • Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 14 Shloka 3 & 4

Mama yoniH mahat brahma tasmin garbhaṁ dadhāmy aham II
SambhavH sarva-bhūtānāṁ tatH bhavati bhārata II 3 II

Sarva-yoniṣhu kaunteya mūrtayH sambhavanti yāH II
Tāsāṁ brahma mahad yoniH ahaṁ bīja-pradH pitā II 4 II

Kaal Brahm tells Arjun “Prakriti is the womb and me, Brahm (Kaal) impregnate her. With that, all living beings are born. Oh, the son of Kunti, in all species, the life that is produced, Prakriti (Durga/Ashtangi) is their mother and I am the seed-provider ie. the father.

This makes clear that triple Gunas ie. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv are born from the union of Kaal & Durga

Evidence- Three Gunas (Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun) in Sacchidanandghan Brahm speech ie. SukshamVed, in the nectar speech by the Worshipable Lord Kabir

600 (six hundred) years ago when supreme God Kabir Saheb descended on earth and did spectacle of 'Dhanak' (the weaver). He wrote in his sacred speech about Prakriti (Maya), Kaal-the devil and three Gunas (Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun) who captivate all living beings into the materialistic world.

Ab main tumse kahoon Chitai                अब मैं तुमसे कहूं चिताई
Treyedevan ki utpatti bhai                 त्रिदेवन की उत्पत्ति भाई 
Maa Ashtangi pita Niranjan                मां अष्टांगी पिता निरंजन 
Ve jam daarun vanshan anjan                यह जम दारुण वंशन अंजन 
Pahile kinh Niranjan raai                    पहले कीने निरंजन राई
Peechhe se Maya upjai                    पीछे से माया उपजाई
Maya roop dekh ati shobha                माया रूप देख अति शोभा
Dev Niranjan tan man lobha                देव निरंजन तन मन  लोभा
Dharamrai Kinhaa bhog vilasa                धर्म राय कीना भोग  विलासा 
Maya ko rahi tab aaasa                    माया को रही  तब आसा
Teen putr Ashtangi jayee                तीन पुत्र अष्टांगी जाए 
Brahma Vishnu Shiv naam dharaaye            ब्रह्मा विष्णु शिव नाम धराए
Teen Dev vistaar chalayee                तीन देव विस्तार चलाएं
In mein yeh jag dhokha khayee                इनमें यह जग धोखा खाए 

Worshippable Supreme God Kabir (Kavir Dev) Ji also made clear 

Gun teeno ki bhakti mein, bhool paro sansar        गुण तीनों की भक्ति में, भूल पड़ो संसार 
Kahae Kabir nij naam bin, kaise utrain paar ?         कहे कबीर निज नाम बिना, कैसे उतरे पार ?

Teen dev ki jo karte bhakti unki kade naa hove mukti   तीन देव की जो करते भक्ति उनकी कदे ना होवे मुक्ति

Note: The above-mentioned evidence proves that the three gunas Rajas, Sattva and Tamas are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva who are born from Kaal (Brahm) and Durga (Maya / Prakriti). The whole world is misled by the spell of Maya. They are not immortal, then how can their worshippers get liberated?

What is Rajogun (Rajas)?

God Brahma creates bodies of 84 lakh species of life ie. he produces living beings by compelling them for reproduction of offspring under the effect of Rajogun (Rajas). 

What is Satogun (Sattva)?

Lord Vishnu nurtures living beings (according to their actions) and maintains the state by developing love and affection under the effect of Satogun (Sattva)

What is Tamogun (Tamas)?

Shiv Ji (Shankar) represents destruction. Under the effect of Tamogun (Tamas) Lord Shiva Ji's role is to destroy living beings.

Note:- To understand the guna-dominated place, there is an example, there are three rooms in a house. In one room, there are pictures of patriotic martyrs. When a person goes into that room, then his thoughts also become like that of the patriot. In the second room, if there are pictures of sadhu-saints, rishis, etc, then on entering that room, the mind becomes calm and gets engrossed in bhakti of God. In the third room, if there are pictures of indecent, half-naked men-women, then automatically dirty thoughts start settling in. 

Similarly, in the Brahmlok above, Kaal form Brahm has made three places dominated in one guna each. Sons born from their union (act of husband-Kaal, wife- Maya/Durga) automatically get equipped with subsequent guna (quality)

What is Trigun Maya?

From the aspect of spiritualism, it is imperative to have an understanding of the triple Gunas for innocent souls who are being trapped in the bondage of affection on this earth and know-how can they overcome?

  • Most important to figure out is What is Trigun Maya?

The three Gunas (qualities) Rajas, Sattva, Tamas hold the body in emotional/material bondage. Maya is the root cause of all karma (work done) in this worldly arrangements, she senses enjoyment, deceits and later eats all. All greedy and ambitious souls are misled in the spell of Maya. This Maya (Durga/Prakriti) has a serpent noose within. This Trigun Maya (Brahm, Vishnu, Shiva) has captivated the whole world. The soul remains entangled in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth. No one has been able to find the end of Maya (Prakriti), not even Brahma Vishnu and Shiva.

By fulfilling the obligatory duties, by curbing desires and attachment through true worship ie. by surrendering to God completely, one surely achieves liberation. Only those will be blessed ie. will be liberated, whose inner conscious will be awakened by God, those who will take name initiation from the Tatvadarshi Saint and do true worship. Without the true knowledge provided by the Guru ie. Tatvagyan no one could seize Maya.

How do the Three Gods (Rajogun-Brahma, Satogun-Vishnu & Tamogun-Shiva) Exert the Influence of Their Three Gunas

Let us understand with an example, how do the three gods exert the influence of their three Gunas on entire existence/living beings?.

Like, in the kitchen, a vegetable dish was seasoned with chilies. Because of the guna (quality) of the chilies the people in all the room started sneezing. Like, chilies in form was in the kitchen, but it's formless power ie. guna even influenced the people sitting far away.

Likewise, the three gods (Shri Brahma Ji Rajogun, Shri Vishnu Ji Satogun, and Shri Shiv Ji Tamogun) while living in their loks, keep exerting influence upon the living beings of the three loks (Earth, Nether world and Heaven). Like, a phone operates by the range of a mobile phone. In this way, the three gods by the invisible effect of their qualities are running the Nature of their father Kaal for his food. 

Rajogun Brahma, Satogun Vishnu & Tamogun Shiv, do not let a Living Being Get Liberated Shrimad Bhagavad Gita - H2

Holy Shrimad Bhagavad Gita Ji provides a description of Rajogun-Brahma, Satogun-Vishnu and Tamogun-Shiva. It is said that seekers who abandon their worship and true worship of Puran Parmatma (complete God) attain the eternal abode, attain Supreme God. 

Let us analyze.

Gita Adhyay 14 Shlok 5

Sattvaṁ rajaH tamaH iti guṇāH prakṛiti-sambhavāH II
Nibadhnanti mahā-bāho dehe dehinam avyayam II 5 II

O Arjun! Satogun-Vishnu, Rajogun-Brahma and Tamogun-Shiv, these three gunas (qualities) born from prakriti (Durga) bind the eternal soul to the perishable body ie. they are a hindrance in the salvation of Jeev (soul).

Adhyay 14 Shlok 7, 8 & 9 mentions that seekers who worship three Gunas go to their loks after death and remain in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth ie. they do not get liberated.

Kaal-Brahm Explains to Arjun that Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are Not the Doers

Gita Adhyay 14 Shlok 19

Nā anyaṁ guṇebhyH kartāraṁ yadā draṣhṭā anupaśhyati II
GuṇebH cha paraṁ vetti mad-bhāvaṁ soH 'adhigachchhati II 19 II

He says 'when the seeker (who knows the true spiritual knowledge) due to ignorance do not see anyone as doer apart from three Gunas (qualities) (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv) ie. he does not accept any supreme power beyond these three qualities, but hearing from someone he is aware about Sacchidanandghan Brahm ie. Param Akshar Brahm (Supreme God) also attains me.

  • Note: Kaal Brahm clarifies that those who do not have complete knowledge, they apart from Rajogun Brahma Ji, Satogun Vishnu Ji and Tamogun Shiv Ji do not know anyone to be the creator of the universe. If from a Tatvadarshi Saint, he gets to know about the divine power (supreme God) then he considers me only to be Param Akshar Brahm, and attains me ie. he remains in my trap only.

Abandon Worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Worship Complete God

Holy Bhagavad Gita provides evidence that the worship of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva should be abandoned, only complete God should be worshipped

Adhyay 14 Shlok 20

Guṇān etān atītya trīn dehī deha-samudbhavān II
Janma-mṛityu-jarā-duH khaH vimuktH 'amṛitam aśhnute II 20 II

It is said that the worship of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (three Gunas) should be abandoned and seekers should only worship Puran Parmatma (complete god) Param Akshar Brahm.

Those Jeevs (souls) consider the creation of this perishable body (the root of all griefs) ie. the reason for birth and rebirth is three Gunas (qualities) when abandon worshipping them ie. Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva gets liberated (by worshipping the complete god) from this vicious cycle, from old age and all miseries in life and attain that eternal abode, the supreme peace.

Benefit of worshipping Kaal-Brahm is only after abandoning the worship of other deities & Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

Gita Adhyay 14 Shlok 26

Maāṁ cha yH 'avyabhichāreṇa bhakti-yogena sevate II
SaH guṇān samatītya etān brahma-bhūyāya kalpate II 26 II

Seekers who render the unadulterated worship and worship only one god (ie. those who do not worship any other deity, ghosts, pitras (deceased ancestors) and Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) that soul is immaculate. 

Note: Like if a wife along with her husband also accompanies another man she is called an adulteress woman who did not remain faithful to her husband. Similarly, that devotee is called adulterous who is not faithful to one venerable deity. This indicates that worshipping three Gunas (Brahma-Rajas, Vishnu-Sattva, and Shiv-Tamas) is useless.

The Upside-down Hanging World-like Tree

Pious Gita Ji describes the creation with an example of an upside-down world-like hanging tree. One who can explain it thoroughly from root to branches till leaves will be a Tatvadarshi Saint who knows the complete devotion of the complete God, which the souls get liberated.

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1 to 4, 16 & 17 describes the upside-down hanging world-like tree with Root (Param Akshar Brahm) that are above and branches below. 

The creation of the universe whose roots are Purna Brahma (the complete God), the trunk is Akshar Purush (ParBrahm), a bigger branch is Kaal-Brahm (Kshar Purush), smaller branches are the three Gunas (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) and the leaves like the world.

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 2

AdhaH cha urdhvaṁ prasatH tasya śhākhāH guṇa-pravṛiddhāH
Viṣhaya-pravālH adhH cha mūlāny anusantatāni Karmānubandhīni manuṣhya-loke

In that world-like tree, below in the nether world & above in heaven, the branches are spread like that of three Gunas (Rajogun-Brahma, Satogun-Vishnu, Tamogun-Shiva), vices like tender branches are spread. These three gods are the sole reason to bind souls in Trigun Maya (triple Gunas) according to their sacraments.

Worship of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv has been said to be Futile in Bhagavad Gita

Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 12-15 tells worship of three Gunas (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) is futile

Adhyay 7 Shlok 12

Ye cha eva sāttvikH bhāvāH rājasāH tāmasāH cha ye II
MattH eve iti tān viddhi na tu ahaṁ teṣhu te mayi II 12 II

The giver of the knowledge of Gita, Brahm (Kshar Purush / Kaal) is saying that whatever is happening from the three Gunas, consider it to be happening from me only. Like, the cause of the act of production by Rajogun (Brahma), preservation by Satogun (Vishnu) and destruction by Tamogun (Shiv) is Kaal God only. Then he said that I do not exist in them.

Adhyay 7 Shlok 13

TribhiH guṇa-mayaH bhāvaH ebhH sarvam idaṁ jagat II
Mohitaṁ nā abhijānāti mām ebhyH param avyayam II 13 II

The giver of the knowledge of Gita says “O Arjun! due to these three Gunas the whole universe is deluded in me (Kaal) ie. they are trapped in my regions (loks) and do not know that eternal God.

Adhyay 7 Shlok 14

Daivī hy eṣhā guṇa-mayī mama māyā duratyayā II
Mām eva ye prapadyante māyām etāṁ taranti te II 14 II

Kaal says “this Trigun Maya (three Gunas) of mine though is very difficult to overcome but those who continuously worship me and surrender unto me, and violate this material pleasure ie. they rise above these three Gunas (Rajogun-Brahma, Satogun-Vishnu, Tamogun-Shiv).

Adhyay 7 Shlok 15

Na māṁ duṣhkṛitinH mūḍhāH prapadyante narādhamāH II
Māyayā apahṛita-jñānāH āsuraṁ bhāvam āśhritāH II 15 II

Those whose wisdom is stolen by my Trigun Maya, do worship up to the three gods (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiv), they, equipped with demonic nature, the lowest among men, the evil-doers, fools, do not even worship me, Brahm, who is above these three.

Hence it is proved in Gita Ji that worship of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv is Futile

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita - Only Foolish People Worship Other Gods (Rajogun Brahma, Satogun Vishnu, & Tamogun Shiv)

Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 20 has a continuous correlation with Adhyay 7 Shlok 15:

Adhyay 7 Shlok 20

KāmaH taiH taiH hṛita-jñānH prapadyante 'anya-devatH II
Taṁ taṁ niyamam āsthāya prakṛityā niyatāH svayā II 20 II

It has been said that because of those material desires, those whose wisdom has been stolen away, they, inspired by their inherent nature, relying on the rule endowed with darkness of ignorance, worship other gods.

Adhyay 7 Shlok 21

YaH YaH yāṁ yāṁ tanuṁ bhaktH śhraddhayā architum ichchhati II
Tasya tasyā achalāṁ śhraddhāṁ tām eva vidadhāmy aham II 21 II

It has been said that in the form of whichever god, a devotee wants to worship, I make that devotee's faith firm in that particular god.

Adhyay 7 Shlok 22

SaH tayā śhraddhayā yuktH tasyārādhanam īhate II
Labhate cha tatH kāmān maya eva vihitān hi tān II 22 II

It is said that endowed with that faith, he worships that god and obtains the objects of his desire from that god, ordained by me alone. 

Like, a chief minister says that the lower officials are my servants only. I have given them some powers. The benefit which, those who are dependent on these (officials) receive, is also given by me only, but is not a complete benefit.

Adhyay 7 Shlok 23

Antavat tu phalaṁ teṣhāṁ tad bhavaty alpa-medhasām II
Devān deva-yajH yānti mad-bhaktH yānti mām api II 23 II

But that fruit attained by those slow-witted men is perishable. The worshippers of gods go to gods. (Madbhakt) Matavlambi, the bhakts who do bhakti according to the methods of bhakti mentioned in the Vedas, also attain me i.e. nobody is out of Kaal's trap.

  • Important: - In Adhyay 7 Shlok 20 to 23, it has been said that whatever worship, of whichever pitra, ghost, gods-goddesses, etc, they perform by nature, I (Brahm-Kaal) only make those slow-witted people (bhakts) attracted towards that particular god. Whatever benefits those ignorant devotees obtain from the gods, I (Kaal) only have given some powers to those gods. On that basis only, the worshippers of gods will go to gods. But that way of worship of those foolish worshippers will soon take them to the 84 lakh births of various life forms, and those who worship me (Kaal), they go to Tapatshila, and then to my Mahaswarg/Great Heaven (Brahmlok), and thereafter will remain in the cycle of birth-death; will not attain liberation.

The purport is that God Brahm's worship is more beneficial than that of god-goddesses and Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Mother Durga. Although the duration of stay in heaven of a devotee, who has gone to MahaSwarg (Great Heaven), can also be up to one Mahakalp (a great age), but after experiencing the pleasures of the virtuous deeds in the Great Heaven, the sufferings in hell and in the lives of other living beings will continue. There is no complete salvation i.e. there is no freedom from Kaal's trap.

Can Human Beings Influence the Three Gunas?

The living beings have immense pressure of triple Gunas on this earth. No, human beings cannot influence the three Gunas but can surely nullify them with true worship. 

Further, we will study

  1. How can one overcome the effect of these three Gunas?
  2. Who is that supreme power who can nullify the effect of Maya.

What is the True Way of Worship Which Neutralizes the Effect of Three Gunas?

Most important is How can one overcome the effect of these three Gunas?

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita provides a solution and mentions the true way of worship by which the effect of three Gunas (Rajogun, Satogun, Tamogun) is nullified and souls get relieved from Kaal's trap? Let us analyze. 

God, the giver of the knowledge of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita in Adhyay 7 Shlok 18, has even called his bhakti as Anuttam (inferior/ bad).

The true way of worship is described in pious Vedas and Gita Ji. With the arbitrary way of worship, the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth does not end. The soul remains in recurrence. When those pious souls attain the human body the next time according to their sacraments and take refuge of the Tatvadarshi Sant and do true worship their sins nullify. Now the question arises

Who is that supreme power who can curb the effect of Maya?

Adhyay 15 Shlok 4 Provides Information How can Seekers Attain Satlok-Sachkhand

TatH padaṃ tat parimārgitavyaṃ yasmin gatāaH na nivartanti bhūyH |
Tam ev ch aadyaṃ puruśhaṃ prpadhye yatH prvṛttiH prsṛtā purāaṇī || 4 ||

After that one should search for that Supreme place (Satlok-Sachhkhand). Having attained whom, human beings do not return to the world (in the vicious cycle of birth and rebirth) and from whom this ancient creation-nature/Srishti has extended. I am also in the refuge of that Aadi Purush Parmatma only. With firmness, one should worship Him (the complete God) and no one else.  

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17- In Reality Eternal is the Complete God

UttamaH puruśhH tu anyaH Paramātma iti udāhṛtH |
YaH lokatrayam āviśhya bibhartyi avyyaH īiśhwarH || 17 ||

The Supreme God is, however, someone else, who by entering into the three loks, sustains everyone and is called as Eternal Supreme God.

Gita Adhyay 18 Shlok 62 and 66 provides Knowledge about other supreme god other than the giver of the knowledge of Gita

Shlok 62

Tam Eva SaraNaM gachCa sarvabhaavEna bhaarata |
Tatprasaadaat paraaM SaantiM sthaanaM praapsyasi SaaSvatam || 62 ||


“Oh Descendent of Bharat, Arjun! You, in every respect, go in the refuge of only that Supreme God. By the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain the supreme peace and will attain the eternal abode – Satlok (place-dhaam)”.

The meaning of 'in every respect' is to not do any other pooja but to have faith in only one God by mind-action-speech.

Shlok 66

Sarvadharmaan parityajya maam EkaM SaraNaM vajra |
AhaM tvaa sarvapaapEbhyO mOkShayiShyaami maa SuchaH || 66 ||

Kaal says “Abandoning all my religious practices in me, you go in the refuge of that one Purna Parmatma (Supreme God). I will liberate you from all the sins; you do not grieve.

Adhyay 17 Shlok 23

'OM TAT SAT' iti nirdeśH brahmaṇaH tri-vidhH smṛitH II
BrāhmaṇH tena vedāH cha yajāH cha vihitāH purā II 23 II

Here, it is imperative to give reference to Gita Chapter 17 Shloka 23 which indicates of salvation mantras (chanting of three mantras) Om-Tat-Sat (coded mantras) by which salvation is attained. The effect of Maya is nullified. 

The giver of the knowledge of Gita is telling Arjun to go in refuge of that Supreme God and abandon his worship. 

Note: 'Vajra' means 'Go'. Meaning, Arjun you go in the refuge of the Supreme God. All translators of Gita Ji have wrongly interpreted it and have mentioned it as 'come' which is wrong.

Gita Adhyay 7 Shlok 29 – Who get liberated from Kaal's trap?

Jarā-maraṇa-mokṣhāya mām āśhritya yatanti ye
Te brahma tadviduḥ kṛitsnam adhyātmaṁ karma chākhilam || 29 ||

The speaker of Gita says "Those who know my entire adhyatm / religious knowledge and all actions, those men strive to get rid of old age and death and they know that Brahm (Tat Brahm)."

Note:- Above evidences have made clear that chanting the true mantras Om-Tat-Sat given by the Tatvadarshi Saint of the Supreme God (Param Akshar Brahm) helps souls attain salvation and not the worship of three Gunas (Brahma-Rajas, Vishnu-Sattva, Shiva-Tamas)

Who is Param Akshar Brahm, the Supreme God?

The above evidence from Holy Shiv Puran, Shreemad Bhagavad Gita, Markande Puran, and Gita Ji have proved that three Gunas are Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva who are mortal, worshipping them is useless. One can never attain salvation by worshipping them. Even worship of Kshar Purush (Kaal-Brahm) and Akshar Purush is useless.

Ved provides a lot of evidence that Param Akshar Brahm is the supreme GOD. He has a body. He comes in speed from Satlok. He roams around like poets. He behaves like poets. There are a hundred shreds of evidence.

  1. What is described in them? - That GOD resides above there in ultimate abode. Above all, He is enthroned there like an emperor. He lightens himself and comes from there with speed in the whole body. He meets good souls here. He gives them knowledge all with his lotus mouth. He tells His actual knowledge. His name is 'Kabir'. He should only be worshipped and no other deity.
  2. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.86 verse 26,27
  3. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.82 verse 1, 2, 3
  4. Rigveda Mandal no.9..Sukt no.54 verse no.3
  5. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.20 verse no. 1
  6. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.96 verse no. 16—20
  7. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.94 verse 1
  8. Rigveda Mandal no.9..Sukt no.95 verse 2
  9. Rigveda Mandal no.9 Sukt no.1 & 9
  10. Rigveda Mandal no.1 Sukt no.31 verse 17, it is written 'Manushyavat Agney'. GOD is like humans. 
  11. Rigveda Mandal no.1 Sukt no.144 verse no.11, 'narmitdev' GOD is like humans.
  12. Rigveda Mandal no.7 Sukt no.11 verse no.3 'Manushyavat Agney' GOD is like humans.
  13. Rigveda Mandal no.7 Sukt no. 2 verse no.3 GOD is 'Manushyavat Agney' GOD is like humans. 
  14. Rigveda Mandal no. 1 Sukt no.46 verse no.3 'Manushyavat Agney' GOD is like man, like humans. 
  15. Rigveda Mandal no. 8 Sukt no.18 verse no.21 'Narvat Varun' GOD is like humans.
  16. Rigveda Mandal no.8 Sukt no.43 verse no.27 'Manushyavat Agney', GOD is like humans.
  17. Yajurveda Chapter no.7 verse no.39 'Narvat great Indra', that great GOD is 'Narvat' is like humans.

Various other evidences in Kabir Sagar (Fifth Veda) also prove that the name of supreme God is Kabir

Similarly, evidence is in Quran Sharif Surah Furqan 25, Verse 52:- 


It is written 'Kabiran'. We can call it 'Kabir' or  Kabira' or ' Kabiran' or 'Khabira' or 'Khabiran. He is the Puran Parmatma/ the Almighty Kabir. He is the complete God.

Fazail-E-Zikr, Aayat 1, mentions 'Allah is Kabir'.

'Wallat Kabir Bullah Aala Maha dakoobwala Allah kumdar guru'

Holy Bible proves Supreme God is Kabir 

Iyov 36:5 – Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

See, El is Kabir, and despiseth, not any; He is Kabir in ko'ach lev.

Pious Guru Granth Sahib proves Almighty God is 'Kabir' 

“Hakka Kabir kareem tu, beaeb Parvardigaar
Nanak bugoyad jan tura, tere chaakraan paakhaak”

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 17 

Supreme God is “KavirDev'. Gita narrator Kaal-Brahm even mentions the name of the Supreme God.

Hence proved worship complete God Kavir Dev and not ParBrahm & Brahm and Three gunas (Brahma-Rajogun, Vishnu-Satogun, Shiva-Tamogun)


As stated in the Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 14 Shloka 20

Guṇān etān atītya trīn dehī deha-samudbhavān II
Janma-mṛityu-jarā-duHkhH  vimuktH amṛitam aśhnute II 20 II

  • When one rises above the three gunas that originate in the body; one is freed from birth, old age, disease, and death; and attains enlightenment.
  • With the devotion of three Gunas (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv) Brahm and ParBrahm, one has to bear the fruits of both sins as well as the virtuous deeds. Sins to be borne in hell and the virtuous deeds in heaven and has to bear numerous sufferings in the bodies of 84 lakh life forms. 
  • By doing the worship of the complete God (Param Akshar Brahm) a soul gets liberated from Trigun Maya and attains salvation.
  • The Supreme God is KavirDev who resides in 'Satlok', 'Sachkhand'. Three Gunas (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv) are not supreme. 
  • It is advisable that great spiritual Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the incarnation of Supreme God 'Kabir'. Take refuge, do true worship and get liberated / attain the eternal world.

FAQs about All About 3 Gunas (Qualities) Sattva, Rajas and Tamas

Q.1 What is the concept of 3 Gunas?

The concept of the three Gunas is derived from ancient Hindu scriptures. The three Gunas are Rajoguna, Satoguna, and Tamoguna. According to texts like Sankshipt Markandeya Puran (Page No. 123) and Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran (Skandh 3 Chapter 5 Verse 8) published by Gita Press Gorakhpur, Rajoguna is associated with Lord Brahma, Satoguna with Lord Vishnu, and Tamoguna with Lord Shiva.

Q.2 What does Bhagavad Gita say about three Gunas?

The Bhagavad Gita explains that the three Gunas originate from Prakriti, also known as Durga Ji. In Chapter 7 Verse 15, it is mentioned that those whose wisdom is deluded by the three Gunas (Trigun Maya) tend to worship the three gods (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva). However, such individuals, being driven by demonic nature, are considered the lowest among men, evil-doers, and fools. They do not worship the Supreme God (Brahm) who is beyond these three Gunas.

Q. 3 Are Gunas permanent?

The Gunas are considered permanent attributes present everywhere in all living beings across the three lokas (realms). Their influence can be reduced through worship of the Supreme God, but they cannot be completely eradicated permanently. Lord Kabir Ji says in His profound speech that—

Kabir, Jaise agni kasth ke mahi, Vyapt hai par dikhat nahi ||

Lord Kabir Ji expressed this idea in His Teachings by comparing the presence of Gunas in creatures to fire within the wood that remains unseen.

Q.4 How to balance the three Gunas?

The balance of the three Gunas can be achieved through the worship of the Supreme God Kabir who is mentioned in Chapter 15 Verse 17 of the Holy Gita Ji. Taking refuge in the enlightening teachings of God Kabir can help harmonize the effects of the Gunas. The process of finding shelter in Supreme God Kabir is described in Chapter 15 Verse 4 of the Holy Gita Ji.

Q.5 What do the Gunas represent?

The three Gunas are Rajoguna, Satoguna, and Tamoguna, associated with Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji, and Shiva Ji, respectively. Rajoguna influences living beings towards reproduction, Satoguna fosters love and affection between them, while Tamoguna gives rise to the feelings of anger, sacrifice, and killing in living beings.

Q.6 How do I get beyond three Gunas?

In the Holy Gita Ji, Chapter 14 Verse 20, the knowledge-giver advises Arjuna to renounce the worship of the three Gunas and instead worship the Supreme God as stated in Chapter 15 Verse 17. Worshipping the Almighty God Kabir is the means to transcend the influences of the Gunas.

Q.7 What is the purpose of the Gunas?

The purpose of the three gunas, as clarified in the Holy Gita, is to entrap living beings in the cycle of Karma, preventing them from attaining salvation. By being bound to the influence of Gunas, individuals remain trapped in the cycle of birth and death.


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Aryan Singh

Lord Shiva is Mrityunjay, Kalinjay, Sarveshwar. No other deity can be equivalent to him.

Satlok Ashram

Lord Shiva is equipped only with one Guna, i.e. Tamogun. His role is to destroy humans and prepare food for his father. He is in the cycle of birth and rebirth. He hasn't won over death. He is not the Supreme God

Sudha Gupta

Trinity Gods are self proclaimed.

Satlok Ashram

Evidence-Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran, Skand 3, Chapter 5, page no.12 tells that Trinity Gods are in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Almighty God Kabir is self proclaimed

Priyanshu Verma

Trinity Gods are the pillars of Hindu religion. They are immortal and supreme.

Satlok Ashram

Trinity God's Brahma Vishnu and Mahesh are in the cycle of birth and rebirth. Neither are they immortal nor supreme. Supreme God is Kavir Dev the creator of entire universes.


Brahma Ji binds the soul in attachment to action. He is the supreme God.

Satlok Ashram

Lord Brahma is only equipped with Rajoguna. He has limited powers. He is not supreme God.

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