Mehla 1, Raag Bilaavalu, Ansh 1 (Guru Granth Sahib, Page no. 839)
Aape sachu keeaa kar jodi, andaj fodi jodi vichhod || Dharti aakaash keeye baisan kau thaau, raati dinantu keeye bhau-bhaau Jin keeye kari vekhanhaara || (3)||
Tritiaa Brahma-Bisnu-Mahesa, Devi Dev upaaye vesa || (4)||
Paoon paani agni bisraaoo, taahi Niranjan saacho naaoo || Tisu mahi manuaa rahiaa liv laai, pranvati Nanaku Kaalu na khaai ||(10)||
The meaning of the aforesaid speech is that the true God (SatPurush) has Himself created the entire nature with His own hands. He Himself created the egg, broke it, and then Jyoti Niranjan came out of it. That same Supreme God created the five elements, earth, sky, air, water etc. for all the living beings to reside in. He Himself is the witness of the nature created by Him. Nobody else can give the correct information. Then after Niranjan, who came out of the broken egg, the three, Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji, were born. Then, other gods and goddesses and infinite living beings were born. Later, six Shastra (scriptures) and 18 Purans were formed, based on the life histories of other gods and experiences of other rishis (sages). Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is saying that Kaal does not eat that living being who solely worships the Supreme God by His true naam (Satyanaam) and (pranvati) abides by the rules directed by the Guruji.
Raag Maaru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mehla 1 (Guru Granth, Page no.1037)
Sunhu Brahma, Bisnu, Mahesu upaaye, sune varte jug sabaaye || Isu pad bichaare so janu pura, tis miliye bharmu chukaaida ||(3)||
Saam vedu, rugu- jujaru-atharbanu, brahme mukh maaiaa hai traigun|| Taa kee keemat kahi na sakae, ko tiu bole jiu bulaaida|| (6)||
The essence of the aforesaid sacred speech is that the Saint, who will narrate the whole story of nature's creation and will tell who came out of the two-halved egg and created the Brahm lok in the vacuum space i.e. gave rise to Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv in a secret place, and who is that God who made Brahm (Kaal) narrate the four Vedas (Holy Rigved, Yajurved, Samved and Atharvaved) and that the Supreme God makes every living being say whatever He wishes, if you find a saint who fully tells about all this knowledge, then go to him. He who clears up all your doubts, only he is a Complete Saint i.e. is Tatvdarshi.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib, page no. 929, sacred speech of Shri Nanak Sahib Ji, Raag Ramkali, Mehla 1, Dakhni Omkaar
Omkaari Brahma utpati | omkaaru kiaa jini chit |omkaari sael jug bhaye | omkaari bed nirmaye |omkaari sabdi udhre | omkaari gurumukhi tare | onam akhar sunhu bichaaru | onam akhru tribhuvan saaru |
In the aforesaid sacred speech, Shri Nanak Ji is saying that Brahma Ji was born from Omkaar i.e. Jyoti Niranjan (Kaal). After wandering for many yugas, Omkaar (Brahm) produced Vedas, which were obtained by Brahma Ji. Only 'Om ' mantra is the actual mantra for the devotion of the three loks. One is salvaged by doing jaap of this 'Om ' shabd after taking updesh from a Complete Saint i.e. by acquiring a Guru.
Important: Shri Nanak Ji has given secretive description of the three mantras (Om + Tat + Sat ) in several places. Only a Complete Saint (Tatvdarshi) can understand this and the method of the jaap of the three mantras is explained only to the Updeshi (follower, disciple). (Page no. 1038)
Uttam Satiguru purush niraale, sabdi rate hari ras matvaale
Ridhi, budhi, sidhi, giaan guru te paaiye, poore bhaag milaaida ||15||
Satiguru te paaye bichaara, sun samaadhi sache gharbaara
Nanak nirmal naadu sabad dhuni, sachu ramae naami samaaida (17) 5 17
The meaning of the aforesaid sacred speech is that the Saguru who imparts the real knowledge is unique. He only chants Naam mantra and does not teach any other forced meditation. Even if you want wealth, position, wisdom or the power of bhakti, then also, only a Complete Saint can fully provide the knowledge of the path of true bhakti. Such a Complete Saint is found with great fortune. Only that Complete Saint will tell that God has already created our real home (Satlok) in the Sunn (vacuum place) above. In that place, a sound of the real Saarnaam is going on. One can achieve that blissful state, which means, can reside in that real happiness-giving place by the Saarshabd of the Eternal God, and not by other naams and incomplete gurus.
Aanshik sacred speech, Mehla 1 (Shri Guru Granth, page no. 359-360)
Siv nagri mahi aasni baesau Kalap tyaagi vaadM ||(1)||
Sindi sabad sada dhuni sohae ahinisi poorae naadM ||(2)||
Hari kirti reh raasi hamaari guru mukh panth ateetaM ||(3)||
Sagli joti hamaari samiaa nana varan anekaM || Keh Nanak suni Bharthari jogi Paarbrahm liv ekaM ||(4)||
The essence of the above-mentioned sacred speech is that Shri Nanak Sahib Ji is saying, "Oh, Bharthari Yogi Ji, your sadhna is upto god Shiv, and because of that you have acquired a place in Shiv nagri (city). The 'Singi' shabd etc which is going on in your body is of these lotuses' only, and is being audible in the body from every god's lok like in a television.
I (Nanak Ji) focus with undivided mind only on one God PaarBrahm i.e. the Supreme God, who is beyond everyone, and is someone else.
I do not show off externally (like, smearing ash on the whole body, holding a wand in hand). I consider all the living beings to be children of one Supreme God (SatPurush). Everyone is functional by His power only. My mudra (revenue) is to chant true Naam after acquiring it from a Complete Guru, and my baana (attire) is forgiveness. I am a worshipper of the Supreme God and the path of Bhakti of Complete Satguru is different from yours."
Amrit Vaani, Raag Aasa, Mehla 1 (Shri Guru Granth, page no. 420)
|| Aasa Mehla1 || jini naamu visaariaa doojae bharmi bhulaai | moolu chhodi daali lagey kiaa paavhi chhai ||1|| Saahibu mera eku hai avru nahin bhaai | kirpa te sukhu paaiaa saache parthaai ||3|| Guru ki sewa so kare jisu aapi karaaye || Nanak siru de chhutiye dargeh pati paaye || 8 || 18 ||
The meaning of the above-mentioned sacred speech is that Shri Nanak Ji is saying that those who forgetting the real naam of Supreme God, are doing jaap of naams of the other gods in misapprehension, they, as if, instead of the root (Supreme God) are watering (worshipping) the branches (the three Gunas, Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, Tamgun-Shiv Ji). No happiness can be achieved by that sadhna, which means that if the plant will dry out, then you will not be able to sit in its shade. The essence is that doing baseless bhakti is a useless endeavour. There is no benefit out of it. It is also evident in Holy Gita, Adhyay 16, and Shlok 23-24.
To achieve that Supreme God, one has to leave one's imaginary way of worship; surrender to the Complete Gurudev and chant the true Naam/Mantra. Only then, complete salvation is possible. Otherwise, one will go to hell after death.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib, page no.843-844
|| Bilawalu Mehla 1|| main man chaahu ghanaa saachi vigaasi Ram | mohi prem pire prabhu abinaasi Ram || avigato Hari naathu naathah tisae bhaavae so theeye | kirpaalu sada daiaalu daata jiaa andari tu jeeye | main aadhaaru tera tu khasmu mera main taanu takiaa terao | saachi soocha sada Nanak gursabdi jhagru nibero || 4 || 2 ||
In the aforesaid sacred speech Shri Nanak Sahib Ji is saying that the Eternal Supreme God is the Naath of all the naaths i.e. is the God of all the gods (is the Lord/ Master of all gods; Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji, Shri Shiv Ji, Brahm and ParBrahm). I have imbibed the true naam/mantra (Sachcha Naam) in my heart. Oh Supreme God! You are the basis of everyone's life. You are my Master and I am dependent on you. You only came in the form of Satguru and by giving the decisive knowledge of true bhakti, settled the whole row i.e. resolved all the doubts.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Page no. 721, Raag Tilang, Mehla 1
Yak arj guftam pesh to dar koon kartaar || Hakka Kabir karim tu beaeb Parvardigaar || Nanak bugoyad jan tura tere chaakra paakhaak ||
It has been clarified in the aforesaid sacred speech that Oh (Hakka Kabir) Sat Kabir, You are (Koon Kartar) Shabd Swaroopi Ram who does creation by the power of shabd i.e. You are the Creator of the entire nature; You only are (beaeb) flawless (Parwardigaar) Nuturer of all and (Karim) the kind God. I am the servant of Your servants.
Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Page no. 24, Raag Siri, Mehla 1
Tera ek naam taare sansaar, main eho aas eho aadhaar || Nanak neech kahe bichaar, yeh dhaanak roop raha Kartar||
It has been proved in the aforesaid sacred speech that the weaver (Dhaanak) in Kashi is the Creator (Kartar) of the entire lineage. With total submission, Shri Nanak Sahib Ji is saying that I am telling the truth that this Dhaanak i.e. Weaver Kabir only is Purna Brahm (SatPurush).
Important: - It has been proved from the indicative knowledge of the above-mentioned evidence that how the nature was created. Now we should attain the Supreme God. This is only possible by taking naam from a Complete Saint.
According to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Tridev (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) and Vedas were created by the Supreme God, Kabir, and given to Niranjan (Brahm Kaal). This is supported in the pious Guru Granth Sahib in the Raag Maaru (Ansh) sacred speech, Mehla 1 (Guru Granth, Page no.1037).
Sunhu Brahma, Bisnu, Mahesu upaaye, sune varte jug sabaaye ||
Isu pad bichaare so janu pura, tis miliye bharmu chukaaida ||(3)||
Saam vedu, rugu- jujaru-atharbanu, brahme mukh maaiaa hai traigun||
Taa kee keemat kahi na sakae, ko tiu bole jiu bulaaida|| (6)||
According to Sikhism, the universe was created by the Supreme God, Satpurush Lord Kabir, through His divine words. Satpurush created the egg, from which Jyoti Niranjan (Brahm Kaal) originated. The five elements—water, air, fire, sky, and earth—were also created by Satpurush through His divine command. Evidence of this can be found in Mehla 1, Raag Bilaavalu, Ansh 1 (Guru Granth Sahib, Page no. 839).
Aape sachu keeaa kar jodi, andaj fodi jodi vichhod ||
Dharti aakaash keeye baisan kau thaau, raati dinantu keeye bhau-bhaau Jin keeye kari vekhanhaara || (3)||
When Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Lord Kabir in His divine form in Sachkhand (the eternal abode), he was overwhelmed. Then upon God's instruction Nanak ji went to Kashi and saw the same Satpurush in weaver form with enthusiasm he exclaimed "Waheguru" upon witnessing the glory of Almighty God, Satpurush (Lord Kabir). Then God initiated him and granted him Satnam In this reference Saint Garibdas Ji Maharaj ji said in his profound speech:
Garib, Jaakhi dekh Kabir ki, Nanak kitti waah|
Waah sikkhon ke gal padi, Kaun chhutave taah||
In Sikhism, the real name of "Waheguru" is "Kabir". The term "Waheguru" is used by Guru Nanak Dev Ji to express his awe and wonder upon witnessing the glory of Lord Kabir in Sachkhand.
Yes, "Waheguru" refers to the wonderful God, which is Lord Kabir. Guru Nanak Dev Ji met Lord Kabir in Zinda form (Almighty God) who gave him the true Mantra of salvation.
In Sikhism, one can see "Waheguru" i.e., Lord Kabir, by taking initiation from His authorized Saint. Guru Nanak Dev Ji expressed the glory of Lord Kabir after seeing Him in Sachkhand and encouraged seeking His divine presence through the true Guru. Nanak Dev Ji said in his speech;
Waah waah Kabir Guru pura hai, Pure guru ki mai bali java, Jaka sakal jahura hai||
According to Sikhism, "Waheguru" i.e., Lord Kabir, created the world and the universe through the power of His divine words. He also created the five elements and the egg, from which Jyoti Niranjan/Kaal Brahm originated.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to Bhartari Yogi Ji that his worship was directed towards Lord Shiva, and after death, he would attain Shivnagari which is perishable. However, Guru Nanak Dev Ji worshiped the Supreme God, who is beyond all and whose divine power governs everything. This conversation can be found in the Aanshik sacred speech, Mehla 1 (Shri Guru Granth, page no. 359-360).
Siv nagri mahi aasni baesau Kalap tyaagi vaadM ||(1)||
Sindi sabad sada dhuni sohae ahinisi poorae naadM ||(2)||
Hari kirti reh raasi hamaari guru mukh panth ateetaM ||(3)||
Sagli joti hamaari samiaa nana varan anekaM || Keh Nanak suni Bharthari jogi Paarbrahm liv ekaM ||(4)||
If you have any query regarding the above content then please email us at [email protected], we will try to solve it with proof.
Leena Yadav
Who created Earth according to Sikhism?
Satlok Ashram
The entire creation of the universe is done by Almighty Kabir. Pious Guru Granth Sahib provides evidence. For details kindly visit our website.
Pushpinder Singh
What does the Guru Granth Sahib say about creation?
Satlok Ashram
Sacred speeches of respected Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji mentioned in Sri Guru Granth Sahib prove that Koon Kartar/ Satpurush/ Param Akshar Brahm ie. KavirDev is the creator of entire universes. He is his Guru who granted him true salvation mantras and liberated him.
Dinesh Sahu
The universe was created by Waheguru but no one knows the date, season or year of creation.
Satlok Ashram
Almighty God Kabir created everything with His word power who is greeted as 'Waheguru' in Sikkhism. He is the God of all the gods. Except Him no one knows the time and duration of creation of universes.
Deependra Sodhi
Waheguru created everything in the universe and is also within everything in the universe; thus, Waheguru is nature. Who is 'Waheguru' mentioned here?
Satlok Ashram
Waheguru is symbolic of Almighty Kabir who is the creator of entire universes. He resides in ultimate abode Satlok.