All About ParBrahm & Establishment of His Seven Sankh Brahmands

ParBrahm & His Seven Sankh Brahmands

When we talk about the creation of the universe, usually our mind gets limited to the creation of the earth, planets, the sun, the moon, stars, nature, animals and birds, various creatures and above all human beings. Whereas, the reality is, the universe is not just confined to the earth, but beyond this, about which our holy scriptures provide information. The deep mysteries of those holy scriptures like the verses in pious Veda, verses in pious Shrimad Bhagavad Gita were never understood by earlier Acharyas, Shankaracharyas, Saints, Gurus, nor the verses of Quran Sharif and Bible were understood by these Mullahs, Kazis and Priests.

The fact is there is another world where life exists. There is an eternal world. A place where there is no grief, no sorrow, no old age, no birth, and no death. This information which is although mentioned in our holy scriptures has never been revealed. Well! Then the thought arises in mind;

  • Where is that immortal world? 
  • How can that be attained? 

This article will highlight hidden spiritual facts. 

The vivid description of the creation of the universe that holy scriptures provide always mention about three Purush / God, that is about three divine powers. There are three stages (prestige) of God. There are three Gods. 

Let us make a deep analysis of what evidence do our holy scriptures provide?

Evidence of Three Gods in Holy Shrimad Bhagwat Gita

Adhyay 15 Shlok 1-4 & 16-17-Upside-down hanging world-like tree

Gita Adhyay 15 Shlok 1-4 and 16-17 mentions about the upside-down hanging world-like tree with roots above and branches below that represents three powers. It is told this world-like tree represents the creation of the universe whose all parts will be explained in detail by the true spiritual leader ie. by an enlightened (Tatvadarshi) saint. Roots of this tree indicates the complete God ie. Param Akshar Purush, the visible portion which is above the ground is a tree. Its heavy trunk represents Akshar Purush ie. ParBrahm. The bigger branch is the Kshar Purush ie. Brahm-Kaal. Three smaller branches represent Rajgun-Brahma, Satgun-Vishnu, and Tamgun-Shiva and the leaves consider them the people of the world. 

Almighty Kabir GOD himself came and narrated in Suksham Ved ie. GOD himself gave correct spiritual knowledge.

“Akshar Purush ek ped hai Niranjan wakee daar 
Teeno deva shakhan hai, paat roop sansar”

अक्षर पुरुष एक पेड़ है निरंजन वाकी डार, 
तीनों देवा शाखा है पात रूप संसार

Adhyay 17 Shlok 23 Tells Salvation Mantra (Coded) of These Three Gods

Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 23 says attainment of the complete God (Param Akshar Purush) will be by chanting three mantras ‘OM_TAT_SAT’ (coded).

  1. Kshar Purush ie. Kaal-Brahm, his mantra is ‘OM’
  2. Akshar Purush ie. ParBrahm, his mantra is ‘TAT’ (indicative)
  3. Param Akshar Brahm ie PuranBrahm (complete God), His mantra is ‘SAT’ (indicative)

Evidence of three Gods is also in Rigved Mandal no.10 Sukt 90 Mantra 2 & 3 and in Atharvaveda Kand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no.1, 3, and 4

With the aforesaid shreds of evidence, this is proved that there is one Akshar Purush (second God) also called ParBrahm. The focus of this article hence will be on the second God ie. the Akshar Purush. 

Let us proceed and analyze;

  • Who is Akshar Purush?
  • How did Akshar Purush originated?
  • What is the age of Akshar Purush?
  • How were ParBrahm’s seven shankh brahmands established?
  • What is the mantra of Akshar Purush?
  • What is the role of Akshar Purush in attainment of salvation?

Who is Akshar Purush?

ParBrahm or Akshar Purush is the second God as mentioned in our holy scriptures. He is the owner of only 7 Shankh (700 quadrillion) universes. There is life in his universes. Although he lives longer than Brahm ie. Kshar Purush/Jyoti Niranjan but he is also in the cycle of birth and death. All creatures in Akshar Purush’s region are destructible similar to Kshar Purush but the soul is indestructible. Akshar Purush, as well as his 7 Shankh Brahmands, are not eternal. 

Moving on the creation of Akshar Purush will throw more light on who is Akshar Purush?

How did Akshar Purush Originate?

Reference: Kabir Sagar Sampoorna 11 Bhag, Section 1, Kabirpanthee Bharat Pathik, Swami Yuglanand (Bihari), Printed and Published by Khemraj Shri Krishan Das Prakashan, Mumbai. Director: Shri Venkateshwar Press, Khemraj Shreekrishan Das Marg, Mumbai. Chapter Kabir Vaani, Bodhsagar page no 136-137

After Almighty Kavirdev completed creation in Satlok He entrusted Achint (one of His sons amongst sixteen) for the rest of the universe creation. Param Akshar Purush ie. Satpurush provided Achint the word power. Achint created Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) with word power (Shabd Shakti) and asked him to be a companion in further creations in Satlok. Akshar Purush went in Mansarovar lake to bathe (Lake filled with nectar). He felt comfortable there and fell asleep. He did not come out and remained there for a very long time. Since the creation work got hampered, therefore, Achint seek help from Almighty Kavirdev to awake Akshar Purush. Kavirdev appeared and helped Achint by creating an egg from the nectar water of Mansarovar into which he inserted a soul. God renounced that egg into the nectar water of Mansarovar Lake. The huge egg while sinking created huge noise which repealed the sound sleep of Akshar Purush. Disturbed and annoyed Akshar Purush stared that egg out of anger due to which it broke into two halves. 

Param Akshar Brahm ie. Satpurush Kavirdev then did an oracle and told both of them to come out of the lake and stay together in Achints lake. This is how ParBrham ie. Akshar Purush was originated.

What is the Age of Akshar Purush?

Ref: The nectar speech of worshipable Almighty Kabir ie. the Sacchidanandghan Brahm speech in Sukshma Veda.

ParBrahm ie. Akshar Purush’s age is of 100 years.

Calculation (link page)

Lord Brahma’s age is of 100 years (Divya Varsh / God years) ie. 72000000 (seven crore twenty lakh) Chaturyuga. This is called one ‘Mahakalp’ (great period)

When 7 Trilokiye Brahma die then one Trilokiye Vishnu dies.

*{Trilokiye means master of three lower loks ie. Heaven (swarg lok), Earth (Prithvi lok) and Nether world (Patal lok)}

When 7 Trilokiye Vishnu die then one Trilokiye Shiva dies. This is called ‘Divya Mahakalp’ (Divine great period).

One Brahmand (universe) of Kshar Purush ends when 70,000 Trilokiye Shiva (Tamogun equipped son of Kaal-Brahm) dies. Then Kshar Purush ie. Kaal-Brahm discards his body of MahaShiv form and dies. This is one yuga (age) of ParBrahm.

Watch Video About Origin of Akshar Purush (ParBrahm)

When 100 times Kaal-Brahm dies then all four MahaBrahmands end ie. 20 Brahmands in a group of five each. All creatures are kept in the 21st Brahmand. Kaal survives by eating those souls kept there and later dies 100 times. Then ParBrahm’s 100 yugas (ages) duration gets complete in 21st Brahmand itself. Mahapralay (great destruction) remains till then.

When this happens five times this is called the second great destruction (Mahapralay). This is done by ParBrahm after the end of 100 yuga (age) of his own self.

ParBrahm’s one day =1000 yugas. Similar are the nights.

30 such days and nights = one month

12 such months = one year

In this way such 100 years is the age of ParBrahm ie. Akshar Purush.

After this third great destruction (Mahapralay) is done by Achint, the son of Almighty KavirDev with divine’s consent as predetermined. A loud conch shell blows. Then everything, all universes destroy accept “Satlok’ and the liberated souls residing in the eternal world. 

Respected Garibdas Ji Sahib says in his speech:- ‘All these Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, heaven and the nether world, 21 universes of Brahm-Kaal including him as well and 7 shankh (700 quadrillions) universes of ParBrahm will also finish in Mahapralaya (the great destruction). Their age is several thousand times more than that of a common living being. But the time, which has been predetermined, will definitely come to an end one day. Even if one has a long life of shankh yugas (ages), it will definitely end one day.’  

Note: Aforesaid, proves ParBrahm ie. Akshar Purush is not eternal. 

Well, let us proceed to understand how were ParBrahm’s seven shankh brahmands established.

How were ParBrahm’s Seven shankh Brahmands Established?

Kshar Purush (Brahm-Kaal) due to misconduct in Satlok was expelled along with his 21 Brahmands at a distance of 16 shankh kos. After this Akshar Purush started feeling lonely. 

Focus in the description below would be on the following:-

  • What were the offenses committed by Akshar Purush in ‘Satlok’?
  • What advice did Almighty KavirDev gave to ParBrahm in Satlok?
  • How did Ishwari Maya (Prakriti Surati) consort of ParBrahm originated?
  • Marriage of ParBrahm
  • Supreme God Kabir granted seven shankh brahmands to ParBrahm

What were the Offenses committed by Akshar Purush in Satlok?

While highlighting the establishment of ParBrahm's Seven shankh Brahmands it would be imperative to explain the mistakes which ParBrahm committed. Therefore, the article will focus on what were the offences committed by Akshar Purush that made him to be expelled from ‘Satlok’.

Supreme God Kabir has later mentioned that Par Brahm (Akshar Purush) committed a breach in his duty because he fell asleep in Mansarovar.

When the Supreme God (God Kabir) left the egg in that lake then Par Brahm (Akshar Purush) looked at it in anger. 

Because of these two offenses ParBrahm, along with seven shankh brahmands, was also expelled from Satlok. 

Another reason was that Par Brahm (Akshar Purush) became restless after the departure of his friend Brahm (Kshar Purush). He started missing Brahm, forgetting the Supreme Father Kavir Dev (Supreme God Kabir). Par Brahm thought that Kshar Purush (Brahm) must be enjoying a lot and I am left behind. The other souls who along with ParBrahm are experiencing the punishment of their actions as birth-death in the seven-shankh brahmands, got lost in the thoughts of the departure of those Hans-aatmas (souls), who are trapped in Brahm's (Kaal's) twenty-one brahmands, and forgot the Supreme God, Kavir Dev who is the giver of all happiness.

What Advice did Almighty KavirDev Give to ParBrahm in Satlok?

ParBrahm got ambitious and wanted a separate place. He started worshipping.

Even on being repeatedly advised by God KavirDev his yearning did not lessen. ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) thought it would be good if I also obtain a separate place. Thinking this, with the purpose of obtaining a kingdom he started reciting Saarnaam.

Similarly, the other souls (who are trapped in ParBrahm's seven shankh brahmands) thought that those souls who have gone with Brahm will make merry and we are left behind. ParBrahm made an assumption that Kshar Purush must be very happy after separating. Thinking this, he decided in his inner self to obtain a separate place. 

ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) did not do Hath Yoga (meditation) but kept doing simple meditation (Sahaj Samadhi) with great passion only to obtain a separate kingdom. To obtain a separate place, he started roaming frantically and even gave up eating and drinking. Other souls got attracted to his renunciation and started loving him. On being asked by Supreme God, ParBrahm asked for a separate place and also requested for some souls. Then KavirDev said that I will send the souls who willingly want to go with you. Supreme God asked that whichever Hans-aatma (soul) wants to go with ParBrahm, please give consent. After a long time, one Hans gave consent and many other souls in imitation of that gave consent too.

How did Ishwari Maya (Prakriti Surati) Consort of ParBrahm Originate?

Ishwari Maya (Prakriti Surati) is the consort of ParBrahm.

God made the soul who gave consent first, a girl named her Ishwari Maya (Prakriti Surati). He put all other souls in that Ishwari Maya and sent her to Akshar Purush (ParBrahm) with Achint. (They got the punishment for failing in loyalty towards their Master). For many yugas, both lived in seven shankh brahmands, but Par Brahm did not misbehave with her. 

Marriage of ParBrahm

ParBrahm married Ishwari Maya with her consent. He then by his word power made female genitals in her with his nails and reproduced offsprings on Ishwari Devi's approval. Therefore, in ParBrahm's lok (seven shankh brahmands) living beings do not have the suffering of tapatshila (a self burning piece of stone). Even the animals and birds over there have a better character than the gods of Brahm lok. The life span is also very long, but still, there is life-death, punishment according to Karmas (deeds), and bread can only be earned by doing the hard work. Heaven and hell are also built in a similar fashion.

Supreme God Kabir Granted Seven Shankh Brahmands to ParBrahm

God KavirDev granted seven shankh brahmands to Par Brahm (Akshar Purush) in return for his wishful simple meditation (Sahaj Samadhi), and blocking the brahmands at a different place from Satlok in a circular shape, expelled Akshar Brahm and Ishwari Maya along with seven shankh brahmands.

Purna Brahm (SatPurush) is the Master (God) of the infinite (ashankh) brahmands in Satlok, twenty-one brahmands of Brahm and ParBrahm's seven shankh brahmands. This means that Purna Brahm KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir) is the Master of the lineage.

How Much is the Strength of Three Gods?

Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva have four arms each and have 16 Kalaas (arts/skills). Prakriti Devi (Durga) has eight arms and 64 Kalaas (arts/skills). 

Brahm (Kshar Purush) has one thousand arms, one thousand Kalaas and is God of twenty-one brahmands. 

ParBrahm (Akshar Purush) has ten thousand arms, has ten thousand Kalaas and is God of seven shankh brahmands. (Evidence Shree Vishnu Puran part 1 Adhyay 9 Shlok 53 on page 32)

Purna Brahm (Param Akshar Purush / SatPurush) has infinite Kalaas and along with Brahm's twenty-one brahmands and ParBrahm's seven shankh brahmands, is the God of infinite brahmands. 

Every God, after gathering his arms can keep only two arms and can also make all his arms appear whenever he wishes.

Note: Supreme God also lives secretly in different forms, building different places in every brahmand of ParBrahm. For instance, a moving camera is fixed outside and a TV is kept inside. On the inside TV, all the outside views can be seen. Now, a second TV is placed outside and a stationary camera inside. On the second TV outside, only the picture of the organizer sitting inside is visible and because of this, all the workers remain alert. 

Similarly, Purna Parmatma (the Supreme God) is controlling everyone, sitting in His Satlok and Satguru Kabir Dev is also present in every brahmand. Like, the sun, even when far away is maintaining its effect on other loks.

Aforesaid, describes How were ParBrahm’s Seven shankh Brahmands established?

Well, now the readers would want to know what is the mantra of Akshar Purush?

What is the Mantra of Akshar Purush?

The secret salvation mantra of Akshar Purush is called ‘satnam’ (true name). This is of two words ‘OM+TAT’ (coded). Verses in holy scriptures like Gita Ji and Ved provide evidence. Blessed souls like Guru Nanak Ji and Garibdas Ji who did true worship chanted ‘satnam and Saarnaam’ and have attained salvation have mentioned in their sacred speeches about ‘Satnam’. 

Let us study evidence from Ved, pious Shrimad Bhagwat Gita and sacred speeches of great men.

Evidence of Satnam in Samved

In Pious Samved Shlok no.822 it is explained that a living being will become liberated by three names

  1. OM
  2. satnam (TAT)
  3. Saarnaam (SAT)

Evidence of Satnam in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Adhyay 17 Shlok 23 mentions salvation will be attained by chanting ‘OM-TAT-SAT’ (indicative) mantra after taking initiation from the complete guru ie. from a Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint.

Gita Adhyay 17 Shlok 25 mentions about ‘Satnam’

Tat itee anabhisandhāya phalaṁ yajña-tapaH kriyāH  ||
Dāna-kriyāśH cha vividhāH kriyante mokṣha-kāṅkṣhibhiH  || 25 ||

Translation: Akshar Purush’s mantra ie. the mantra of ParBrahm, means while chanting ‘TAT’ mantra, the breath (while inhaling) thus, stops. By not desiring fruititive rewards, by performing various sacrifices, act of austerity and charity those desirous  seekers who aim for welfare ie. those who desire to completely get rid of birth and death, they chant ‘Satnam’. This means this ‘TAT’ mantra is an indicative mantra of ParBrahm. While chanting this ‘satnam’ through breathing this ‘TAT’ (coded) mantra ends while inhaling. 

Evidence of Satnam in Sacred Speech by Guru Nanak Ji

Almighty Kavirdev met Guru Nanak Ji at the Bein river. He took him to Sachkhand (Satyalok). God blessed Guru Nanak Ji with ‘Satnam’. After that Guru Nanak Ji mentioned the mool-mantra (original mantra) at various places in his speech in Guru Granth Sahib.

  • In Amrit Vaani, Raag Aasa, Mehla 1 in Shri Guru Granth on page no. 420. 
  • In Bhai Bale Wali - JANAM SAKHI - Page 275
  • In Guru Granth Sahib, page no. 843-844

Ref. Book: “Jeevan Das Guru Saahibaan”, Page no. 42 to 44. The writer is Sodi Teja Singh Ji. Publisher is Chatar Singh Jeevan Singh. Guru Nanak Ji his speech in this book has written

‘Ek Onkaar satnamu Karta Purkhu Nirbhau,
Nirvairu Akaal Moorti Ajooni Sab Guruprasaad’

‘एक ओंकार सतनाम करता पुरखू  निर्भऊ,
  निर्बैरू अकाल मूर्ति अजूनी सब गुरुप्रसाद’

In Rag ‘Siri’ Mehla 1, page no.24, Shabd no.29 Guru Nanak Ji mentions ‘Ek Naam’ ie. satnam chanting which the seeker will cross this region of Kshar Purush and will go to the eternal world ‘Satlok’

‘Tera ek naam tare sansaar, main eha aas eho aadhaar’

‘तेरा एक नाम तारे संसार, मैं एहां आस एहो आधार’    

Guru Nanak Ji glorifies the powerful ‘Satnam’ mantra. He says Kaal does not eat living beings who solely worships the Supreme God by His true name (Satyanaam). 

‘Tisu mahi manuaa rahiaa liv laai, pranvati Nanaku Kaalu na khaai’

तिसु माही मनुआ रहीआ लिव ले, प्रणवती नानक कालू ना खाय 

Note: God Kabir Ji had asked Guru Nanak Dev Ji for this secret information about the True Naam (satnam) not to be revealed.

Evidence of Satnam in Kabir Sagar

KavirDev (God Kabir) has stated in His speech that the reward (punya) of removing a person from Kaal’s worship and bringing to a complete Guru and getting him Sat-updesh (satnam/true name) is similar to what is when crores of cows and goats etc. beings are released from a butcher.

  • Kabir Sagar -Swasam bed bodh, Page no. 158 - 159:-

There is a vivid description of the dialogue between God Kabir Ji and Nanak Ji

Speech of Almighty Kavirdev                 जिन्दा वचन (Jinda Speech)

Bhayee dayal Purush guru gyani, diyo paan parwana baani          भये दयाल पुरूष गुरु ज्ञानी। दियो पान परवाना बानी
Bhali bhayi tum humko pawa, sakalo panth Kaal ko dhyawa          भली भई तुम हमको पावा। सकलो पंथ काल को ध्यावा
Tum itney aab bhaye ninara, pheri janam naa hoye tumhara          तुम इतने अब भये निनारा। फेरि जन्म ना होय तुम्हारा
Bhali surati tum humko chinha, Amar mantra hum tumko dina          भली सुरति तुम हमको चीन्हा। अमर मंत्र हम तुमको दीन्हा
Swasamved hum kahi nij baani, Parampurush gati tumhe bakhani    स्वसमवेद हम कहि निज बानी। परमपुरूष गति तुम्हैं बखानी

Most venerable God Kabir acquiring the form of a Jinda Mahatma in the above speech tells Guru Nanak Ji that ‘I will tell you the jaap of Satshabad i.e. satnam / Sachha naam, Mantra through which you will become eternal’.

  • Kabir Sagar chapter Sultan Bodh, Page 62

‘Pratham paan parwana leyee,
Peechey Saar shabad tohe deyee’

‘प्रथम पान परवाना लेई
पीछे सार शब्द तोहे देई’

  • Kabir Sagar chapter ‘Bir Singh Bodh’, page 113-116 provides evidence that Almighty KavirDev gave ‘Satnam’ to King Bir Singh.

Evidence of Satnam in the Sacred Speech of Garibdas Ji

Ref: Respected Garibdas Ji sacred speech “Aadi Ramaini (Sad Granth, page no. 690 to 692)

Shwaasa paaras man gah raakho |        स्वासा पारस मन गह राखो   |

Kholhi kapaat amiras chaakho ||             कोलही कपाट अमीरस चाखो ||

Sunaau hans shabd sun daasa |             सुनाऊं हंस शब्द  सुन दासा   |

Agam deep hai ag hai baasa ||            अगम दीप है अग है बासा ||

Bhawsaagar jam dand jamaana |            भवसागर जम दंड जमाना  |

Dharamrai ka hai talbaana ||            धर्मराय का है तलबाना  ||

While explaining the sufferings that all living beings have in Kshar Purush’s region great sant Garibdas Ji tells in his speech that if anybody will obtain the real mantra (Sachcha naam/true naam jaap Mantra ie ‘Satyanaam’ then he will be liberated from Kaal’s bondage. Souls will achieve complete salvation otherwise, snared by the sweet talks of fake saints and priests soul will remain held in Kaal’s trap bearing hardships one after another.

Satnam is so highly praised by Garibdas Ji in a Shabd (hymn). 

Tarang mantar lijiye rang hori ho

तारंग मंत्र लीजिए रंग होरी हो

He emphasised to take that ‘tarang mantra’ incomparable powerful mantra, chanting which the soul will be liberated and will enjoy peace forever. Further, he says

satnam padle rang hori ho                सतनाम पाडले रंग होरी हो

Chaudah lok chadawe Ram rang hori ho             चौदह लोक चढ़ावे राम रंग होरी हो

Teen lok pasang dhare rang hori ho             तीन लोक पासंग धरें रंग होरी हो 

Toh na tule tulaya Ram rang hori ho             तोह ना तुले तुलाया राम रंग होरी हो

Aforesaid, proves satnam ‘OM+TAT’ (coded) mantra is of Akshar Purush/ParBrahm. This is chanted after taking initiation from the complete spiritual leader, the authorized guru only ie. after taking initiation from a Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint. 

Further, we will understand what is the role of Akshar Purush in the attainment of salvation?

What is the Role of Akshar Purush in the Attainment of Salvation?

The eligible liberated souls trapped in the twenty-one brahmands after doing true devotion taken from the Tatvadarshi (enlightened) saint when leave their body and cross Jyoti Niranjan’s region ie. when they exit from the tenth door of Kshar Purush, they go to the region of Akshar Purush. There the soul pays debts (devotional) and releases his body by the power of ‘TAT’ mantra. Then the soul exits from ParBrahm’s eleventh door and moves towards ‘Bhanwar Gupha’ which is the path to reach the twelfth gate that leads to the eternal world ie. ‘Satlok’. The soul then enters into Satlok with due consent of Almighty Kavirdev and attains complete salvation. Thereafter, the birth and death of the souls never happens. This illness of birth and rebirth finishes once for all. Finally, the liberated souls attain the real supreme peace, they reside in the eternal world and enjoy all the comforts. 

This is the same eternal (Shaswatam) place, the ultimate abode (sanatan param dham) about which Gita chapter 15 verse 4 mentions. This is the complete salvation of the soul. ‘Satlok’ is the eternal peace about which it is mentioned in Gita chapter 18 verse 62. 

Note: After death when the soul leaves the body and after clearance from all nine gates when he reaches ‘Trikuti’, the tenth door ie. ‘Brahmarandhra’ and the eleventh door of ParBrahm only opens with ‘Satnam’. Then is the twelfth gate called ‘Puran Brahmarandhra’ that heads to the immortal world ‘Satlok’ which opens with ‘Sar Shabd’ which is provided after ‘Satnam’ 

Hence, the role of Akshar Purush is of utmost importance in the attainment of salvation since souls have to route from his region to head towards the ultimate abode. 

Finally, we get an answer to the enduring question that where is that immortal world? And How can that be attained?

Where is that Immortal World?

That eternal/immortal world is ‘Satlok’ where the liberated souls reside peacefully. This is 16 shankh Kos away from Jyoti Niranjan’s (Kshar Purush/Brahm/Kaal’s) region where we all souls are currently trapped. 

How can the Immortal World be Attained?

The immortal world will be attained by doing true devotion of the creator of the Universe ie. Almighty Kavirdev as provided by the Tatvadarshi saint. 

Today great sant Rampal Ji is that Tatvadarshi sant who is authorized to provide ‘satnam and Sarnaam’(OM+TAT+SAT). He has the complete course of salvation. Readers are advised to identify Him, take His refuge and get their well being done. 

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj says in a Shabd (hymn) composed by him

Rampal saachi kahae, karo vivek vichaar |             रामपाल सांची कहे, करो विवेक विचार | 

satnam va Saarnaam, yahi mantra hai saar ||             सतनाम व सारनाम, यही मंत्र है सार  ||

Kabir hamaara Ram hai, vo hai deen dayal |            कबीर हमारा राम है, वह है दीनदयाल  |

Sankat mochan kasht haran, gun gaavae Rampal ||         संकट मोचन कष्ट हरण, गुण गावे रामपाल ||

In another Shabd (hymn) sant Rampal Ji Maharaj says

Chaar Ram ki bhakti mein, lag raha sansaar |                       चार राम की भक्ति में, लग रहा संसार   |

Paanchvein Ram ka gyan nahin, jo paar utaaranhaar ||                   पांचवे राम का ज्ञान नहीं, जो पार उतारणहार  ||

Brahma-Vishnu-Shiv teeno gun hai, doosra Prakriti ka jaal |      ब्रह्मा विष्णु शिव तीनों गुण है, दूसरा प्रकृति का जाल   |

Akshar Purush hai Ram chautha, jaise chandrma jaan ||                   अक्षर पुरुष है राम चौथा, जिसे चंद्रमा जान   ||

Paanchva Ram Kabir hai, jaise uday hua bhaan |                               पांचवा राम कबीर है. जैसे उदय हुआ भानु   |

Ramdevanand guru Ji, kar gaye najar nihal ||                        राम देवानंद गुरुजी, कर गए नजर निहाल  ||

satnam ka diya khajaana, batae Rampal |                        सतनाम का दिया खजाना. बताएं रामपाल  |

Almighty KavirDev Ji by emphasising chanting of true mantra ‘Satnam and Saarnaam’ says

Kabir, jeevna to thoda hi bhala, jae Sat sumran hoye |
Laakh varsh ka jeevna, lekhe dharey na koye ||

कबीर जीवन तो थोड़ा ही भला जय सत सुमिरन होय,  लाख बरस का जीवना लेके धरे ना कोई

Conclusion: Therefore, the readers are advised to wake up and abandon arbitrary practice which is unscriptural. Rather everyone should perform true devotion (chant true mantras) which are according to our holy scriptures. 

Last but not the least with this write-up following conclusions are drawn:

  • There are chiefly three Purushs (Gods)-Kshar Purush, Akshar Purush, and Param Akshar Purush.
  • Kshar Purush, Brahm/Kaal is the owner of only twenty-one universes.
  • ParBrahm/Akshar Purush is the owner of 7 shankh (700 quadrillions) brahmands (universes) only.
  • SatPurush Almighty KavirDev is the owner of infinite brahmands.
  • satnam (OM+TAT coded) is the mantra of Akshar Purush ie. of ParBrahm.
  • Eligible liberated souls  from Kshar Purush’s region first go to Akshar Purush region, then head toward ‘Satlok’.
  • Akshar Purush is not eternal. He is in the cycle of birth and death.
  • Initiation for complete salvation is granted in three-phases (OM+TAT+SAT) by a Tatvadarshi Saint.

FAQs about All About ParBrahm & Establishment of His Seven Sankh Brahmands

Q.1 Who is Akshar Purush?

Akshar Purush, also known as Parbraham, is the owner of 7 shankh (quadrillion) universes, as mentioned in Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita Ji chapter 15 verse 16. Lord Kabir Ji explains the hierarchy of Gods using an upside-down hanging world tree in his nectar speech, which is also mentioned in Gita Ji chapter 15 verses 1-3.

Akshar Purush ek ped hai, Niranjan wakee Daar |
Teeno deva shakhan hai, Paat roop Sansar” ||

Q.2 How did Akshar Purush originate?

After creating all the universes, Almighty God Kabir assigned the remaining task of assisting in the creation to His son named Achint, who was bestowed with the power of the Word. Achint then created Akshar Purush with his word power to aid him in the process of creating nature

Q. 3 Why does Akshar Purush have separate universes, and how many does he own?

From the creation of nature, one can know Kaal-Brahm, who meditated for ages to obtain his separate 21 universes. After Kaal-Brahm's departure, Akshar Purush felt lonely without him and forgot about Almighty God, who had been providing all the happiness in Satlok. In a desire to obtain separate universes, Akshar Purush recited Saarnam and asked for universes from Almighty God Kabir. As a result, he owns seven sankh brahmands, which means 700 quadrillions of universes.

Q.4 Is Akshar Purush immortal?

While Akshar Purush's lifespan is immensely long, he is not immortal. One day of Akshar Purush is equal to 1000 Yugas, and his night is of the same duration. The age of Akshar Purush is said to be 100 years, where one Yuga of Akshar Purush's life completes with the death of one Kaal-Brahm.

Q.5 Is Akshar Purush married, and who is his wife?

According to Sukshamveda, Akshar Purush is married, and his wife is Ishwari Maya, also known as Prakriti Surati.

Q.6 What is the difference between Brahm and ParBrahm and Paar Brahm?

In Holy Srimad Bhagavad Gita chapter 15 verses 16-17, three Gods are described:

  • Kshar Purush, also known as Brahm, is the owner of 21 universes and is mortal
  • Akshar Purush, also known as Parbrahm, is the owner of 7 quadrillion universes and is also mortal.
  • Param Akshar Purush, also known as Paarbrahm, is the owner of infinite universes and is immortal.

Q.7 Will the soul become immortal by going to Akshar Purush's world?

No, there is birth and death in the world of Akshar Purush, but he doesn't consume 1 lakh humans daily or subject them to being fried on hot rocks. Instead, souls are trapped in 84 lakhs of body forms based on their Karma

Q.8 Is it essential to chant the mantra of Akshar Purush to attain complete salvation?

To attain complete salvation and reach the immortal abode, Satlok, one must cross the 7 quadrillion universes of Akshar Purush. This requires paying the spiritual wealth required through chanting the mantra of Akshar Brahm, as mentioned in Holy Gita Ji chapter 17 verse 23.


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Observations from the ground and from space have confirmed thousands of planets beyond our solar system. But so far, we have no evidence of life beyond Earth

Satlok Ashram

There is life beyond Earth. Apart from the lower region where we live on earth which is in 21 universes there is another world whose area is seven quadrillion universes. There are creatures residing there same as on earth. Even beyond it is life which is in immortal world. For details kindly visit our website.

Devika Rani

The soul is immortal. Post death what happens to the soul?

Satlok Ashram

Those who do true worship according to holy scriptures after taking initiation from the authorised enlightened Saint goes to the eternal world Satlok. They cross 21 universes of Brahm Kaal and via crossing seven quadrillion universes of ParBrahm they reach Satlok. Those who do not do true worship remain trapped and suffer in 84 lacs life forms.

Geeta Verma

Is there a world beyond Earth?

Satlok Ashram

Yes, beyond Earth is the world of ParBrahm who is the owner of seven quadrillion universes. There is life there. Even beyond it is Satlok which is indestructible. Evidence of this is mentioned in pious Sukshamveda and pious Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

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