Creation of Nature (Universe)

Creation of Nature (Universe)

Evidence of Nature’s Creation

Most enduring questions that always arise in the minds of people like- How the universe was created? Who would have created the universe? Who is that supreme power beyond this world who is capable of creating and handling everything? Incomplete scientific knowledge along with all the contemporary incomplete and fake religious gurus have their own theories which are based on hearsay knowledge due to which the devotee society remained ignorant to date about the Supreme God and the Creator of all Universes.  Science believes that this Earth, Sun etc. all the planets, satellites have come into existence due to upheaval of gases. Whereas, devotees, seekers of all religions have always denied all science theories. Science and spiritualism cannot go hand in hand. It is said the end of science is the beginning of Spirituality. Where all theories of science end and scientists surrender God’s theory starts because for God nothing is impossible.

Hindus consider Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Goddess Durga to be the creators of the universe. Similarly, people of Muslim and Christian religion consider the deities of their respective religions viz: Allah and Jesus as supreme power. Hitherto, the fact is beyond all theories and believes. The thorough study of all the religious scriptures prove that ‘GOD IS ONE’ and He only created entire universes. The entire nature, all living beings are functional by the power of that supremely intelligent being only who is also known as Param Akshar Purush/Param Akshar Brahm/Satpurush/Akaalmurat/Shabad Swaroopi Ram/Allah/Rab etc.

Evidence of Nature’s Creation is found in the holy books of all four major religions viz: Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Christian religions. Fortunately, all holy books like Vedas, Shrimad Bhagawad Gita, pious Quran Sharif, holy Bible, pious Guru Granth Sahib prove that Almighty Kavir Dev whom people consider to be just a poet, a weaver/dhanak is in reality the creator and complete God. Holy Bhagavad Gita, Sukshamveda and pious Quran Sharif provide evidence that an enlightened saint/ Dheena Ram/ Bakhabar/ Illamwala is fully aware about the essence of God, he knows well about that divine element. He provides true spiritual knowledge and true salvation mantras to the devotee community practising which seekers get liberated from the clutches of Satan/Brahm-Kaal/Shaitan.

Following subsequent article provides a vivid description of the same Supported by shreds of evidence from all holy books of all religions as - How the universe was created? Who is the creator of entire universes?

Nature’s Creation According to Hinduism

Hinduism believes in polytheism, that is, people of Hindu religion worship many Gods. Some devotees believe Lord Brahma is the creator of the universe, while some consider Lord Vishnu to be Supreme.  Most of the people believe that Lord Shiva/Shankar is the doer of the world, on the other hand, the worshippers of Goddess Durga consider her to be the creator of the universe. While the holy books of Hinduism, the four Vedas and Shrimad Bhagawad Gita testify that the Supreme God Kabir Sahib created the entire universe in six days with His word power.  But due to lack of true spiritual knowledge, ignorant sages and hypocrite gurus, without understanding their scriptures, accepted Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh as the creators and preached the same to innocent people. In this way, the whole devotee community got misled since the base of their knowledge was Legends and folklores. Earlier Sages and Gurus believe that Durga is the mother of the world, whereas Facts of Nature's Creation in Devi Purana, narrates something else.  Similarly, people believe that Brahma creates the universe, Vishnu Nurtures and Shiva destroys, whereas in reality, according to the Shiva Purana, these three deities are the sons of God Sadashiv i.e. Brahm Kaal and Goddess Durga and each of the three is handling one department according to the order of their father Kshar Purush/Jyoti Niranjan/Kaal.

Nature’s Creation According to the Vedas

There are five Vedas but the devotee community is aware of just four because initially five Vedas were given by Param Akshar Brahm/Supreme God Kavir Dev to God Kaal/ Jyoti Niranjan, who is the master of these 21 worlds. Due to fear that his reality would be revealed to souls if they would read the fifth Veda called Sukshama Veda he destroyed it which contained the information about the creation of the universe and the Supreme God and the procedure for salvation of the souls. Nevertheless, the facts of the Vedas available to the devotee society at present proves that Supreme God Kabir Sahib created the entire universe and from time to time He incarnates on earth in different forms and preaches true spiritual knowledge which is also called Sachhidanandghan Brahm’s speech or Suksham Veda. The evidences mentioned in Rigveda, which is the oldest of the Vedas provided for the betterment of human society, also prove the above fact completely true. Similarly shreds of evidence from Samveda, Yajur Veda and Atharvaveda provide information about nature’s creation.

Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is the Summary of the Four Vedas

Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, is the summary of the four Vedas, that was spoken at the time when warrior Arjun refused to fight in Mahabharat. The knowledge giver of Gita is Brahm Kaal/Kshar Purush. He has given information in Gita Ji about Supreme God who is the creator. The Supreme God is Param Akshar Brahm who resides in the eternal world Satlok which is the third abode of liberation. Satpurush/ Akaalmurat/Param Akshar Brahm is superior to the Knowledge giver of Gita means Kaal and is his revered deity as well. Worship of Trinity Gods Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, and Goddess Durga cannot provide salvation to souls. The essence of Srimad Bhagawad Gita is that it is Supreme God Kavir Dev only who enters in three worlds and sustains everyone. He only is worshipable. He is the protector and saviour of the world. With His worship souls attain emancipation.

Nature’s Creation According to Islam

Followers of Muslim religion consider the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif i.e. Brahm Kaal to be Allahu Akbar and they also believe that Allah is formless/bechoon.  While it is clearly written in Quran Sharif that the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif provides his level of knowledge and at the end leaves the option of asking information about Allahu Akbar from ‘Bakhbar/Ilmwala’. Bakhbar means a Tatvadarshi saint (saint who knows true spiritual knowledge). It proves that the creator of all of us and the only real Worshipable God is Almighty Allahu Akbar.  In many Verses of Quran Sharif like Surat Furqan 25, Verses 52-59 and Fazail-e-Zikr, Verse 1, it is clearly written that the creator of Nature, the master of all, is Allah Kabir.  Quran Sharif is the authentic book of Muslims, therefore the facts of creation described in Quran should be acceptable to all Muslim brothers and sisters, in which it is clearly written that the creator of all, the destroyer of all sins, the all-powerful, indestructible God is in form He has human-like body and lives in Satyaloka, the immortal abode.  His name is Kabir/Kabira/Khabira. He created the universe with His word power in six days and sat on the throne on the seventh day.

Who is the Creator of the Universes According to Christian Religion

Like Islam, people of Christian religion also consider God as formless and they believe that Jesus is the supreme power from whom the whole creation originated, while it is clearly written in their scripture holy Bible in Genesis that God is corporeal, who created the universe in 6 days.  Along with this, the Bible also proves that the creator of the entire universe, the master of all and Worshipable God is only Supreme God Kabir Saheb.  Holy Bible IYOV 36:5 – And Genesis proves that the name of Supreme God is Kabir and Jesus was the son of God who was sent from Vishnu Lok to tell the knowledge of God.

Nature’s Creation According to Sikhism

Sikh means disciple, the disciples who follow the words of respected Shri Guru Nanak Ji were later called Sikhs.  Sikhism follows the speeches scripted in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, their holy scripture.  Guru Granth Sahib is like the soul and body of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.  Supreme God Kabir Sahib Himself came and met Guru Nanak Ji on Bein river and showed him Satlok/Sachkhand.  After which Nanak Ji glorified that Supreme God through speeches which were scripted in pious Guru Granth Sahib.  It has been clearly described in Nanak ji’s speech that the Supreme God who resides in Sachkhand/Satlok, who created the entire universe, His name is Kabir Dev.  Nanak Ji tells in his speech that ‘that Supreme God first made an egg out of a drop of water, and inserted a soul into it which when cracked a person Jyoti Niranjan/Kaal came out of it who is presently the owner of 21 universes.  That Supreme God created the five elements viz:- earth, sky, wind, water, and fire. The body of all the living beings is created from the combination of these five elements and is destructible but the soul is indestructible. Akaalpurush/Satyapurush/God Kavir Dev Himself is the witness of the creation created by Him.

Evidence of Nature's Creation in the Sacred Speech of Respected Garibdas Saheb Ji

Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji met Saint Garibdas Saheb Ji when he was 10 year old and took him to Satlok, after which Saint Garibdas Ji witnessed Supreme God with his eyes and composed a Holy book named “Sadgranth'' which contains His Scared Speeches that glorify Param Akshar Brahm/Satpurush/God Kavir Dev.  In the same book, there are shreds of evidence in Garibdas Ji’s Speech that Supreme God Kabir Sahib created the whole universe. Respected Garibdas Sahib Ji Maharaj has made it clear in his speeches that the Dhanak (weaver) of Kashi provided me Emancipation by giving me initiation. This Dhanak (Weaver) of Kashi is the complete Brahm (Satpurush).  Respected Garibdas Ji tells that earlier there was only darkness and Supreme God Kabir Saheb Ji was sitting on the throne in Satyalok.  Then He created all the universes with His word power. We (souls) were servants there.  God Kabir has created Jyoti Niranjan/Kaal.  Then in return for his penance, he was given twenty one Universe.

Nature’s Creation in Worshippable Supreme God Kavir Dev Ji’s Sacred Speech

600 years ago Supreme God Kabir Ji descended in this deceased world in Kashi, (Varanasi), India aiming to provide true spiritual knowledge to His beloved souls and grant them emancipation. Through His Speeches (Kavir Vani) God delivered the knowledge of all the scriptures and revealed the facts of creation of the universe. When for the first time the God-loving souls will read this, they will feel that this is a baseless story but after seeing the evidence, the devotee community will be forced to believe that Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh are not worshipable gods. Their powers are limited and they cannot provide salvation. Whereas, Almighty Kavir Dev is Omnipotent, Omniscient and the creator of entire universes. He is the provider of salvation.

Kabir Saheb is the only God who gives true spiritual knowledge by incarnating on earth from time to time or makes it evident through His complete saint.  In the fifth Veda Savasam Veda i.e. Kabir Vani, God Kabir Sahib explains how the three Gods (Brahma Ji, Vishnu Ji and Shiv Ji) originated.  Their mother is Ashtangi (Durga) and father is Jyoti Niranjan (Brahma Kaal). How were all of them born?  God Kabir Ji has told in His Speeches that Jyoti Niranjan (Dharmaray) indulge in pleasures with Prakriti Devi (Durga) due to which he was expelled from eternal world Satlok. All the three gunas (Shri Brahma Ji, Shri Vishnu Ji and Shri Shiv Ji) originated from the Union of these two.

Read in detail about Creation of Nature in All Major Relegion's Holy Scriptutes

Creation of Nature-Hinduism

Creation of Nature-Hinduism

Creation of Nature- Vedas

Creation of Nature- Vedas

Creation of Nature in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita

Creation of Nature in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita

Creation of Nature in Islam

Creation of Nature in Islam

Supreme God in Christianity

Supreme God in Christianity

Creation of Nature in Sikhism

Creation of Nature in Sikhism

Creation of Nature in Garib Das Ji’s Sacred Speech

Creation of Nature in Garib Das Ji’s Sacred Speech

Creation of Nature in Kavir Dev Ji’s Sacred Speech

Creation of Nature in Kavir Dev Ji’s Sacred Speech