

What is Spirituality | Video

What is Spirituality | Video

What is the true meaning of spirituality? How can one attain spiritual peace?

The ultimate aim of human life is to attain emancipation / liberation. The only way possible to liberate the soul is via spirituality. But how can one attain the true spiritual peace and salvation. Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji explains how a human can achieve it. Watch the spiritual discourses of Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.

What is Spirituality | Video

Q.1 What is the meaning of spirituality?

Spirituality holds the significance of understanding the omnipotent immortal God, the creator of everything, capable of providing complete salvation, and gaining knowledge of scripture based worship of Almighty God

Q.2 How to become spiritual?

Becoming spiritual involves connecting with a complete Saint and adhering to the scripture based rules and regulations directed by complete saint for worshiping Almighty God.

Q.3 How can one attain true spiritual peace?

True spiritual peace can be attained by receiving initiation from a complete Saint, who imparts complete spiritual knowledge and guides in scripture-based worship, benefiting both spiritually and physically.

Q.4 Is salvation achievable without understanding spirituality?

Achieving salvation requires understanding spirituality, comprehending the nature of God, and gaining complete spiritual knowledge for worshiping Almighty God.

Q.5 What role does spirituality play in attaining soul liberation?

Spirituality is considered the pivotal path to soul liberation, involving a profound connection with the divine through scripture-based worship, leading to ultimate salvation.

Q.6 What is the ultimate goal of human life?

According to our Holy scriptures, the ultimate goal of human life is to attain emancipation or liberation of the soul, signifying freedom from the cycle of birth and death.



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Nandini Tiwari

I have been searching for spiritual knowledge for many days, but my soul couldn't find peace by listening to various spiritual teachings. After watching this video, I am completely amazed at how Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj has clearly explained everything in a way that even children can understand. I want to gain more information about his knowledge.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, your interaction with our article brings us immense joy. We're thrilled that our content is not just useful but also quenching your thirst for spiritual knowledge. Our mission is simple – to spread genuine spiritual wisdom that's crucial for every individual. Unfortunately, due to misleading figures, many struggle to find this profound knowledge. We encourage you to dive deeper by immersing yourself in Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's spiritual discourses and exploring the wisdom in the book Gyan Ganga for a more enriched understanding of spirituality.

Aniruddh Chaturvedi

There has always been a question in my mind since childhood: Why does God kill us? Why do we die? If God is merciful, then why is there so much suffering in the world? However, this video has solved many of my problems, and I am exploring more videos of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj as well.

Satlok Ashram

Dear reader, your perspective on our article is truly valued. It's heartening to know that people are finding resolutions to their problems and spiritual queries through our content. Our primary goal is to offer genuine spiritual knowledge that not only guides humanity toward salvation but also assists in navigating life's challenges. To uncover further insights, we encourage you to continue immersing yourself in Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's spiritual discourses and explore the profound teachings in the book Gyan Ganga.