The straightforward meaning of अनुत्तम (Anuttam) is the "opposite of उत्तम (Uttam)".
उत्तम (Uttam) means GOOD and अनुत्तम (Anuttam) means BAD.
Those unknowledgeable saints who do not have any knowledge of creation of nature and those who consider Shri Krishan Ji to be the Supreme God have caused a catastrophe by translating this word "अनुत्तम (Anuttam)" wrongly in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7, Verse 18. All these ignorant so called saints and translators have written the meaning of अनुत्तम (Anuttam) as "Superior".
Lets take a look at some simple words and their opposites (विलोम).
उचित (Uchit) - ठीक, औचित्यपूर्ण; मुनासिब; Appropriate, Reasonable, Correct, Right, fair.
अनुचित (Anuchit) - जो उचित न हो; नामुनासिब; Inappropriate, Improper, Unfair.
उक्त (Ukt) - पहले कही गई; कहा गया; कथित; उल्लिखित; उपर्युक्त; ऊपर कहा गया। Said.
अनुक्त (Anukt) - जो उक्त अर्थात कहा हुआ न हो 2. बिना कहा हुआ; अकथित। Not said.
उपयुक्त (Upyukt) - जैसा होना चाहिए वैसा; योग्य; उचित; मुनासिब; अनुकूल। Appropriate, Apt, Fit, Applicable, Proper.
अनुपयुक्त (Anupyukt) - जो उपयुक्त न हो; जो ठीक या काम का न हो 2. अयोग्य 3. अनुचित। Unfit, Unsuitable, Indecent, Unbefitting, Inappropriate.
उदार (Udar) - विशाल हृदयवाला; दयालु; उदात्त; धीर; दानशील; भला; दूसरों में गुण देखने वाला। Lavish, Liberal, Broadminded, Wide
अनुदार (Anudar) - जो उदार न हो 2. कठोर 3. संकीर्ण 4. कंजूस; कृपण। Narrow, Stuffy, Parochial, Illiberal.
अर्थ (Arth) - अभिप्राय; मतलब; मानी 2. प्रयोजन 3. किसी बात या शब्द की व्याख्या। Meaning, Economic, Mean, Significance, Purport
अनर्थ (Anarth) - बुरा; अशुभ 2. उलटा-पुल्टा; अर्थहीन। 1. नितांत आपत्तिजनक बात 2. विपत्ति 3. अनिष्ट 4. उलटा अर्थ। Scourge, Mishap, Catastrophe.
आवश्यक (Avashyak) - ज़रूरी; अनिवार्य। Requisite, Necessary, Essential, Compulsory.
अनावश्यक (Anavashyak) - जिसकी आवश्यकता न हो; गैरज़रूरी 2. बेमतलब; व्यर्थ 3. फालतू। Expletive, Redundant, Unessential, Unnecessary
औषधि (Aushadhi) - 1. चिकित्सा के काम आने वाली जड़ी-बूटी या वनस्पति 2. रोगी के रोग का इलाज करने के लिए विधिपूर्वक बनाए हुए पदार्थों का मिश्रण। Medicament.
अनौषधि (Anaushadhi) - जो औषधि न हो। Product which is not medicine.
भिज्ञ (Bhigya) - जो बात जानता हो। Familiar, Informed.
अनभिज्ञ (Anbhigya) - जो किसी बात को जानता न हो; अनजान; नावाक़िफ़। Uninformed, Incognizant, Unwitting, Unaware, Unacquainted.
उत्तीर्ण (Uttirn) - 1. किसी परीक्षा में सफ़ल; 2. पार गया हुआ; पारित। Pass.
अनुत्तीर्ण (Anuttirn) - जो किसी परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण न हुआ हो; (फ़ेल)। Fail.
Likewise the meaning of उत्तम (Uttam) & अनुत्तम (Anuttam) is as under.
उत्तम (Uttam) - जो गुण, विशेषता आदि में सबसे बढ़कर हो; बेहतर; श्रेष्ठ। Best, Good, Prime, Fine, Superior, Exquisite, Excellent.
अनुत्तम (Anuttam) - जो उत्तम न हो। Bad, Useless, Inferior.
Now you can yourself decide, how much knowledge those ignorant saints have, those who have translated अनुत्तम (Anuttam) as superior , best.
FAQs about "उत्तम (Uttam) & अनुत्तम (Anuttam)"
Q.1 What is the literal translation of "Anuttam" and "Uttam" in Sanskrit?
"Anuttam" is the opposite of "Uttam." "Uttam" translates to "good" or "best," while "Anuttam" translates to "bad" or "inferior" in straightforward terms.
Q.2 How have certain translations of "Anuttam" in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita been done?
Some translators have mistakenly rendered "Anuttam" as "superior" in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 7, Verse 18, while the word's actual meaning is "bad" or "inferior." causing mistranslation of actual meaning and misguiding the devotees.
Q. 3 Why is it crucial to understand the accurate meanings of Sanskrit words?
Accurate interpretations of ancient texts and scriptures rely on the correct understanding of spiritual knowledge and Sanskrit terms. Incorrect translations lead to misinterpretations and misunderstandings of spiritual knowledge and misguide the devotees on the wrong spiritual path
Q.4 Is proficiency in Sanskrit necessary for accurately translating spiritual texts?
No, it is not essential to be proficient in Sanskrit for the accurate translation of spiritual texts. Someone with comprehensive spiritual knowledge can translate these texts accurately, surpassing individuals who solely possess Sanskrit proficiency but lack complete spiritual understanding.
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Sanjay Shukla
The Sanskrit meanings of Uttam and Anuttam indeed appear to be antonyms, a realization I hadn't focused on despite my years of daily reading of the Gita ji. I'm intrigued to delve deeper into the insights presented in this article.
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, we greatly appreciate your perspective on our article. It's heartening that you've discerned the accurate translation of our Holy scripture through our article. Authentic spiritual knowledge and the grace of the Almighty are imperative for an accurate interpretation and only an authorized Saint, capable of imparting correct spiritual knowledge and guiding in the complete way of worship, can provide an accurate translation. Presently, Rampal Ji Maharaj embodies this authority. For further enlightenment, we highly recommend listening to the spiritual discourses of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj and exploring the book Gyan Ganga.