How to Worship to attain Moksh / Liberation
There is a misconception amongst the masses that Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj prohibits the worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Durga etc. Garib Das Ji Maharaj says
"गरीब, तीनो देवा दिल में बसे, ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश प्रथम इनकी वंदना फिर सुन सतगुरु उपदेश"
The line above by Garib Das Ji talks about doing sadhana of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Similarly Jagat Guru Rampal Ji actually teaches all his disciples about the correct way of doing "Sadhana" of Braham-Savitri, Vishnu-Lakshmi, Shiv-Parvati, Durga, and Ganesh during the first initiation.
Jagat Guru Rampal Ji distinguishes these Gods (Brahma, VIshnu, Shiv etc) from the Supreme God (Kabir Sahib / Kavir Dev). From our Holy Scriptures (Vedas, Gita, Shri Guru Granth Sahib, Bible, Quran and various Purans), He gives evidence to support the statements.
First of all, please gain the knowledge of the presence of these Gods in our body. Every human being has got lotuses or chakras in their body whether they are male or female. There are seven chakras in the body. These extend along the length of the vertebral coloumn and lie anterior to it. These belong to different deities. Whether someone is a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or a Christian or belongs to any other religion, the lotuses / Chakras are the same.
Detailed Description of Body Chakras / Kamals / Lotuses
There are six kamal (lotuses) in the human body (material body). The backbone ends near the anus. Two-finger breadth above that —
1. Mool Kamal (Chakra) – Ganesh Ji lives in this. This lotus has four petals. Then approximately two-finger breadth above the Mool Kamal, along the backbone, on the inner side is —
2. Swaad Kamal (Chakra) - in which live Brahma and Savitri. This lotus has six petals.
3. Naabhi Kamal (Chakra) – Above the Swaad Chakra, in front of the umbilicus along backbone, is Naabhi Kamal. God Vishnu and Lakshmi live in this. It has eight petals.
4. Hridya Kamal (Chakra) – Above the Naabhi Kamal, behind the heart is a Hridya Kamal. God Shiv and Parvati live in this. This Hridya Kamal (Lotus / Chakra) has twelve petals.
5. Kanth Kamal (Chakra) – Above the Hridya Kamal is Kanth Kamal, which is near and behind the throat, stuck to the backbone. In this, lives, Prakriti Devi (Mother Ashtangi / Durga). This Lotus has sixteen petals.
6. Trikuti Kamal (Chakra) – Above the Kanth Kamal is Trikuti Kamal. It has two petals (one is white and the other is of black colour). The Purna Parmatma lives in this. Like the sun even when situated far away keeps exerting its influence on the body of every being, but is visibe only with eyes. Here, we have to infer in this way. And the Purna Parmatma also lives in the inner-self with the soul. Like, a thread occupies the whole cloth and there is also other embroidery which is present only in some part.
7. Sahansrar Kamal (Chakra) – Above the Trikuti Kamal, where one keeps a top-knot, in that place on the inner side is Sahansrar Kamal where Jyoti Niranjan (in form of light in thousand petals), Kaal (Brahm) himself lives. This lotus has one thousand petals.
One has to open these chakras by recitation of mantras of the respective deities. Each of the deity has a mantra, by recitation of which, a worshipper pays back the debt (which we owe as these are the Gods who provide us the basic necessities for survival in this world) and once that debt is paid, the chakras open. Yogis try to open these Kamals / Chakras by way of meditation which is actually a long winded and a wrong way and is never successful. The only way to open these Kamals / Chakras is by getting the mantras of these Deities from a "Complete Saint". This is what Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj gives to his devotees.
How to Attain Moksha / Liberation
To attain moksha, one has to obtain initiation (naam) from a Complete Saint. A Complete Saint imparts initiation (naam) in 3 stages.
In the first stage, Brahm Gayatri mantra is given, which is to open the Lotuses of the deities which has been described above in detail.
In the second stage Satnaam is given, which is of two mantras. One is (Om) + second is Tat which is coded, is only told to a worshipper. This is to clear the debt of "Kaal" and to pay for the expense of crossing the "Bhanwar Gufa" in Par Barhm's lok. This is described in further detail below.
In the third stage Saarnaam is given, which is of three mantras. Om + Tat + Sat (Tat – Sat are coded which will be told only to the worshipper). This mantra is to obtain a permanent place in Satlok.
So Jagat Guru Rampal Ji doesn't prohibit the worship of these Gods. He actually imparts the correct way of worship.
To attain Moksha, one has to cross the 12th door to enter the SachKhand / Satlok / Eternal Place
After death the soul starts its journey from the "Mool Kamal / Chakra" progressing to "Swaad Kamal / Chakra", then to "Naabhi Kamal / Chakra", then to "Hriday Kamal / Chakra", then to "Kanth Kamal / Chakra" and finally to the "Trikuti Kamal / Chakra".
From Trikuti Kamal there is a way towards a locked door which is known as the "10th Door". The lock on this door can only be opened by the recitation of "Satnaam" (a True Mantra given by a Complete Saint). This door opens in to "Kaal's personal Lok (Universe)". This "Kaal" is also known as "Brahm". Hence Kaal's own lok is also known as "Brahm Lok". This is the limit of Kaal (Brahm) Lok.
From here there is a door called the "11th Door" which opens in to the universes of "Par Brahm" (Master of 7 sankh Brahmands / universes). This path called the "Bhanwar Gufa" finally leads to the"12th Door" which opens in to Satlok / Sachkhand / Eternal Place.
FAQs about "Is worship of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh forbidden by Satguru Rampal Ji?"
Q.1 What are Kamals or Chakras, and how does one open them?
Kamals or Chakras are energy centers within the body, they can be opened by reciting specific mantras of respective deities, obtained from a "Complete Saint." These mantras repay the debt owed to these deities for providing life's necessities.
Q.2 Is meditation an ineffective method to open these Kamals/Chakras?
The meditation is considered a lengthy and incorrect approach to open the Kamals/Chakras and is purportedly never successful. The only proposed method is through the mantras given by a "Complete Saint."
Q. 3 What is the process to attain Moksha or Liberation?
Moksha is attained through initiation (naam) from a "Complete Saint" in three stages: Brahm Gayatri mantra in the first stage, Satnaam in the second stage, and Saarnaam in the third stage. Each stage purportedly serves a specific purpose in spiritual progression.
Q.4 How does one cross the 12th door to enter SachKhand or Satlok (Eternal Place)?
After death, the soul supposedly traverses through various Kamals/Chakras, finally reaching the 12th door, which lead to SachKhand or Satlok. Opening this door requires recitation of the "Satnaam" mantra imparted by a "Complete Saint."
Q.5 What are the stages or realms encountered in the soul's journey after death?
The soul's journey is progress through Mool Kamal, Swaad Kamal, Naabhi Kamal, Hriday Kamal, Kanth Kamal, and finally to Trikuti Kamal. Beyond this, the path leads to locked doors that require specific mantras for passage, guided by a Complete Saint.
Q.6 Who is Kaal, and what is his role in the spiritual journey?
Kaal, also known as Brahm, is having a personal Lok (Universe). The 10th door on the soul's journey leads to Kaal's Lok, which is the limit of his realm.
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Samrat Dubey
I've noticed that followers of Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj do not engage in the worship of Hindu deities or visit temples. Why does Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj discourage this worship? Is he opposed to Hinduism?
Satlok Ashram
Dear reader, thank you for your interest in our content. Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj doesn't forbid the worship of any deity; rather, he provides the correct method of worship according to our Hindu scriptures. He is dedicated to reviving Sanatan Dharma and guiding humanity towards the authentic spiritual path. For more comprehensive information, we encourage you to delve into the teachings presented in the book "Gyan Ganga" and explore Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj's spiritual discourses.