How Gorakhnath Ji Awakens His Astray Guru Machindranath Ji

How Gorakhnath Ji Awakens His Astray Guru Machindranath Ji

Matsyendranath/ Machindranath is believed to be one of the supreme masters amongst nine Naths (Nāthasaṃpradāya) who carried forward the Shaivism tradition in its true sense. Giri, Puri,  Aughad, Nath, and Kanpade are all the worshippers of Shiva Ji, as was Guru  Matsyendranath.

Shreds of Evidence from Suksham Veda prove that Almighty Kabir as per His divine law came and met nine Naths viz.   Machindranath, Gorakhnath, Charpatinath etc-etc and provided them all true spiritual knowledge. But Brahm Kaal is a betrayer.

In spite, of gaining true spiritual knowledge from God Kabir, nine Naths remained engrossed in unscriptural devotion of Brahm Kaal hence, remained prey to him and could not attain salvation worshipping Tamogun Lord Shiva/ Shankar. They wasted their precious human birth.

Through this article on Machindranath, we will prove how Brahm Kaal spoiled his devotion and made him his prey which he does to all naive devotees.

The  following will be discussed

  • Machindranath Quit Devotion Due to Dominance of Vices
  • Gorakhnath Awakened Astray Machindranath
  • Machindranath's Greed for Gold Got Fused

Note: All the references have been taken from Sachchidanand Ghan Brahm's speech which refers to the fifth Veda which is Suksham Veda.

Machindranath Quit Devotion Due To Dominance Of Vices

The guru of Tantrik Gorakhnath Ji was Matsyendranath who was a great worshiper of Lord Shiva. He did not marry. He was a celibate. Aiming to attain God he was leading a life of a recluse. When he was aged 60-70  butcher Brahm Kaal inspired him to lead the life of a householder and enjoy life. Vices like lust aggravated in Matsyendranath due to the influence of Brahm Kaal and he thought his human life would be a sheer waste in case he did not become a householder.

With this thought, he entered inside the body of the King of Singaldweep like a ghost, when the King died and left his body. Machindranath had accomplishments and he renounced his body inside a cave.

The queen of the King and his entire family were lamenting on King’s death but seeing him alive again they felt a sigh of relief. This time the gesture of the King was not as it used to be originally. He had no knowledge of the Kingdom this time.

The courtiers and priests understood he was not the original soul of the King but some soul of a Yogi had entered inside the body. They informed the queen. But she was satisfied as long as the King was seen alive.

The Brahmans told the Queen that this Yogi had left his body somewhere near and there was a possibility that soon he might leave this body and go to his original body.

The queen ordered the soldiers to search the body of the Yogi and burn it to ash. The same was done.

Gorakhnath Awakened Astray Machindranath

Matsyendranath started enjoying the life of a householder with the Queen with whom two sons were born.

One day another Nath disciple satirized Gorakhnath that if you are a great disciple then bring back your Guru Ji, Matsyendranath. He is trapped in the body of a King. He has spoiled his devotional earnings.

Gorakhnath went to the palace accompanying a famous choir group on the occasion of the birthday of the Prince/ son born from Machindranath.

Gorakhnath became their drummer. While playing drums Gorakhnath awakened the soul of his Astrayed guru

Machindranath reminded him of his purpose of human birth and that he was wasting his devotional earnings leading the life of a householder.

Machindranath identified his disciple and hired him as his servant. Gorakhnath kept convincing his guru, finally, he left the cover of the King and both left the palace.

The ash and bones of the body of Machindranath were still lying in the same cave. Gorakhnath revived his guru Machinderbath with his accomplishment by placing Machindernath’s soul in the body which he made out of leftover ash and bones.

Important: This is a huge trap of Kaal being exposed by Almighty Kabir. People mistakenly consider Gorakhnath to be God since he revived the dead (Guru Machindranath) also he did a few other miracles due to his powers but it's all an eyewash.

Machindranath's Greed Of Gold Got Fused

Matsyendranath, Macchindranāth who is credited to be the founder of the Nath tradition was one 'Mahasiddhas' amongst  Navnaths and 84 perfect men (Siddhpurush). By Worshiping Shiva/ Shankar he gained accomplishments but remained greedy for materialistic things. He was greedy for Gold therefore, took some gold coins in a bag while leaving the palace with the thought that later they would organize Bhandara with this amount.

On the way, both stopped near a well to drink water.  Guru Machyendernath asked Gorakhnath to hold the bag of gold coins weighing 2 Kgs. Gorakhnath understood that his Guru was greedy for Gold, he was trapped in fake materialistic things which are of no benefit to him hence, he threw them all into the well which annoyed Guru Machindranath.

Gorakhnath Ji said ‘Gurudev! You have become a Raajrishi. You are no more a ‘Brahamrishi’. Saying this, Gorakhnath converted a mud and stone mountain nearby, into a Gold mountain and said ‘You may pick as much gold as you want’.

Respected Sant Garibdas Ji Maharaj glorifies a few sages/ saints/ devouts in his nectar speech mentioned in Suksham Veda. Machindernath Ji was one of them including other Navnaths like Gorakhnath, Ajaypal Nath, Jalandhar Nath etc.

Nath Jalandhar aur Ajaypala |

Guru Machyender Gorakh Bala||

Conclusion: Describing all this concludes that despite being a great devotee of Lord Shiva and having accomplishments, Machindranath could not attain salvation because his way of worship was against the injunctions of holy scriptures. Had he done true devotion to God Kabir who is the provider of salvation

Matsyendranath would have been liberated from Kaal's trap.

Today, Jagatguru Tatvadarshi Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only Satguru on earth who is providing true devotion of God Kabir. All must take refuge and get their welfare done and avoid wasting precious human birth like Matsyendranath.