The Deception of Sage Agastya Muni by Kaal Brahm

The Deception of Sage Agastya Muni by Kaal Brahm

The biggest irony of Satan Kaal Brahm's mortal world is that the innocent souls trapped in his web undergo severe penance to attain God and achieve many powers. They in fact, remained far from attaining God but due to those accomplishments gained people put them in the category of God. Due to a lack of true spiritual knowledge, people are unable [...] Read more

How Gorakhnath Ji Awakens His Astray Guru Machindranath Ji

How Gorakhnath Ji Awakens His Astray Guru Machindranath Ji

Matsyendranath/ Machindranath is believed to be one of the supreme masters amongst nine Naths (Nāthasaṃpradāya) who carried forward the Shaivism tradition in its true sense. Giri, Puri, Aughad, Nath, and Kanpade are all the worshippers of Shiva Ji, as was Guru Matsyendranath. Shreds of Evidence from Suksham Veda prove that Almighty Kabir as per [...] Read more

परमेश्वर कबीर साहेब जी ने बिजली खाँ पठान के राज्य को कैसे बचाया?

परमेश्वर कबीर साहेब जी ने बिजली खाँ पठान के राज्य को कैसे बचाया?

बिजली खाँ पठान, भारत के उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य में गोरखपुर शहर से 25 किलोमीटर दूर मगहर शहर के नवाब थे। वहां आज परमात्मा कबीर जी के नाम पर संत कबीर नगर नाम से एक अलग जिला है। लगभग 600 साल पहले काशी, उत्तर प्रदेश में परमात्मा कबीर जी प्रकट हुए थे तथा बिजली खां पठान उनके समकालीन शासक थे। मगहर के नवाब बिजली खां पठान भगवान कबीर साहेब जी के अद्भुत ज्ञान और [...] Read more

सिर काटकर शिव जी को अर्पण करने वाले रावण को क्यों नहीं मिला मोक्ष?

सिर काटकर शिव जी को अर्पण करने वाले रावण को क्यों नहीं मिला मोक्ष?

हिंदू धर्मग्रंथों में रामायण के प्रसिद्ध पात्र रावण के बारे में कई बातें लिखी गई हैं जो आज भी दुनिया में रहस्य बनी हुई हैं। रामायण की घटना त्रेतायुग से संबंधित है। यह हमारे वर्तमान धर्म गुरुओं के अज्ञान का परिणाम है जो काल ब्रह्म के लोक की व्यवस्था को ना तो समझ पाए और ना ही भोली जनता को समझा पाए। इसलिए वे रामायण के पात्र रावण के बारे में सही [...] Read more

How Did God Kabir Saved The Kingdom of Bijli Khan Pathan

How Did God Kabir Saved The Kingdom of Bijli Khan Pathan

In the spiritual history, there exist numerous accounts of divine intervention, where the Almighty has manifested His presence to protect and guide humanity. One such remarkable tale of God's benevolence is the story of Bijli Khan Pathan, a devout ruler who faced an existential threat to his kingdom. As fate would have it, Bijli Khan's unwavering [...] Read more

Why did not Demon Ravana Get Salvation? Unveiling Reason

Why did not Demon Ravana Get Salvation? Unveiling Reason

The demonic figure in Hindu mythology, Ravana who existed during Treta Yuga is backed by several enigmatic truths that have remained hidden to the world to date. This is the result of ignorance of our contemporary religious gurus who could not understand the very nature of the set-up of Brahm Kaal’s realm hence, could not put forth the correct [...] Read more

हिन्दू साहेबान! नहीं समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण: सनातनी पूजा का अंत और पुनः उत्थान

हिन्दू साहेबान! नहीं समझे गीता, वेद, पुराण: सनातनी पूजा का अंत और पुनः उत्थान

दुनियाभर में धर्म को मानने वालों की कोई कमी नहीं है लेकिन आज पूरे विश्व में धर्म के नाम पर पाखण्ड और अंधविश्वास चरम सीमा पर देखने को मिल रहा है जिससे मानव को कोई सुख प्राप्त नहीं होता। धर्मगुरुओं को अपने ही धर्मशास्त्रों का ज्ञान हुआ नहीं, जिसके कारण उन्होंने मानव को शास्त्रविरुद्ध क्रियाओं जैसे व्रत, उपवास, तीर्थ, हठयोग आदि शास्त्रविरुद्ध मनमाने [...] Read more

Real Adipurush Kabir Sahib Not Ram as Per Holy Scriptures

Real Adipurush Kabir Sahib Not Ram as Per Holy Scriptures

For ages, humanity has embarked on a spiritual quest to uncover the true nature of the Divine Light, the Eternal God known as Aadipurush. In this captivating write-up, we will delve deep into the realm of divinity, shedding light on the mysteries surrounding Aadipurush and unveiling the ultimate truth. Our journey begins by exploring the essence [...] Read more

पवित्र ग्रंथों के अनुसार वास्तविक आदिपुरुष कबीर साहेब, राम नहीं

पवित्र ग्रंथों के अनुसार वास्तविक आदिपुरुष कबीर साहेब, राम नहीं

आदि यानी सबसे पहला, सर्वप्रथम, और पुरूष अर्थात परमात्मा। सबसे पहला स्वयंभू परमात्मा जिसने सर्व ब्रह्मांड रचे। अपने स्वरूप में अपने जैसे नर आकार मनुष्यों की रचना की। विश्व की आधी से अधिक आबादी भगवान विष्णु के अवतार श्री रामचन्द्र जी उर्फ दशरथ पुत्र राम को आदिपुरुष मानते हैं। लेकिन क्या वाकई में श्री राम उर्फ श्री विष्णुजी जी आदिपुरुष यानि सृष्टि के [...] Read more

संत रामपाल जी महाराज के जीवन बदल देने वाले अद्भुत विचार

संत रामपाल जी महाराज के जीवन बदल देने वाले अद्भुत विचार

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Quotes [Hindi] तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज का नाम उनके अद्भुत तत्वज्ञान के कारण विश्वप्रसिद्ध है। इतना ही नहीं बल्कि वे अपने समाज सुधार और जन कल्याणकारी कार्यों जैसे दहेजमुक्त विवाह, नशामुक्ति, रक्तदान आदि के लिए भी जाने जाते हैं। संत रामपाल जी महाराज के द्वारा बताया ज्ञान मर्म पर चोट करने वाला होता है। संत रामपाल जी [...] Read more

गीता सार

गीता सार

गीता ज्ञान एक महत्वपूर्ण ज्ञान है जो कि काल ब्रह्म ने दिया। गीता ज्ञान दाता अध्याय 11 श्लोक 32 में स्वयम अर्जुन को ज्ञात करवाता है कि वो काल और और इस वक्त यहाँ सब को नष्ट करने के लिए प्रवृत हुआ है। अर्जुन भी उस काल को देख कर काँपने लग जाता है। सभी संतों का ऐसा मानना है कि गीता ज्ञान श्री कृष्ण जी ने दिया। इसी को आधार मान कर उन संतों ने गीता के [...] Read more

लोग नास्तिक क्यों हैं

लोग नास्तिक क्यों हैं

क्या भगवान अस्तित्व में है? क्या भगवान के अस्तित्व का कोई प्रमाण है? क्या किसी ने कभी भगवान को देखा है? हम कहां से आए हैं? हम मृत्यु के बाद कहाँ जाते हैं? ये कुछ सवाल हैं जिन्होंने निश्चित रूप से हमारे दिमाग को किसी न किसी स्तर पर फंसाया है चाहे हम खुद को आस्तिक कहें या नास्तिक। हालाँकि हम आज तक इन सवालों का संतोषजनक जवाब नहीं खोज पाए हैं। सभी [...] Read more

कबीर परमेश्वर के जीवित प्रमाण, जगन्नाथ पुरी में कबीर चबूतरा और द्वारिका में कबीर कोठा

कबीर परमेश्वर के जीवित प्रमाण, जगन्नाथ पुरी में कबीर चबूतरा और द्वारिका में कबीर कोठा

कबीर परमेश्वर, आज से लगभग 625 वर्ष पूर्व भारत की पवित्र भूमि में आध्यात्मिक शिक्षा का केंद्र कहे जाने वाले काशी शहर से बाहर बने लहरतारा तालाब में ज्येष्ठ मास की शुक्ल पूर्णिमा विक्रम संवत् 1455, सन् 1398 को ब्रह्ममुहूर्त में नवजात शिशु के रुप में कमल के फूल पर प्रकट हुए थे। जिसके बाद उन्होंने लीलामय छोटी आयु से ही सत्यज्ञान का प्रचार करना प्रारंभ [...] Read more

Historical Significance Meets Divine Awakening: Kabir Saheb - The Supreme Almighty's Legacy

Historical Significance Meets Divine Awakening: Kabir Saheb - The Supreme Almighty's Legacy

Everyone in this world is well aware of Sant Kabir: The Great Indian Mystical Poet. According to the documented history, Kabir was "born" in 1398. Kabir Saheb is well known for His open criticism of all the ways of worship and rituals as opposed to the holy scriptures. He propagated the worship of one Supreme Almighty and that we all are children [...] Read more

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Motivational & Inspiration Quotes with Meaning

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Motivational & Inspiration Quotes with Meaning

Around the globe, people are struggling and discontent. Poverty, illness, and other issues are rampant, and the cause of this suffering is the misguided veneration of false gods. Misleading spiritual leaders have misguided humanity, separating them from the ultimate power of the divine. With true spiritual knowledge, people will be able to [...] Read more

चांचरी, खैंचरी, भूचरी, अगोचरी व उनमनी जैसी पाँच मुद्राएं, अमृत क्रिया व कुंडलिनी शक्ति क्या हैं, क्या इनको करने से पूर्ण मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है?

चांचरी, खैंचरी, भूचरी, अगोचरी व उनमनी जैसी पाँच मुद्राएं, अमृत क्रिया व कुंडलिनी शक्ति क्या हैं, क्या इनको करने से पूर्ण मोक्ष प्राप्त होता है?

सतयुग से लेकर अब कलयुग तक प्रत्येक मानव भगवान को प्राप्त करने, जन्म-मृत्यु, वृद्धावस्था के कष्ठ से छुटकारा पाने और पूर्ण मोक्ष प्राप्त करने के लिए प्रयत्नशील है। इस प्रयत्न में ऋषि, मुनियों और तपस्वियों ने हजारों, लाखों वर्षों तक घोर तप भी किया, कई प्रकार की क्रियाएँ कीं, अपने शरीर को हठयोग करके गलाया भी जिससे की उन्हें परमात्मा प्राप्ति हो जाये। [...] Read more

Top Mudras: Chanchari, Bhuchari, Agochari, Khechari & Unmani

Top Mudras: Chanchari, Bhuchari, Agochari, Khechari & Unmani

Since inception man has been trying hard to attain God (or attain salvation) because, since the day the soul has been separated from God, it has realized that the shelter of God is the ocean of happiness. And in that process, for ages men have tried various ways to attain God like performing force worship (Hatha Yoga) by doing penance for several [...] Read more

How the Greatest Reformer Kabir Saheb Exposed The Truth Behind Hypocrisies?

How the Greatest Reformer Kabir Saheb Exposed The Truth Behind Hypocrisies?

As we all know we are in the middle of Kalyuga and we all believe in God in one form or another. Some of us believe God to be a power only which is running the universe. This belief has divided us into religions with different names and different practices. And in the name of religion and God we are asked to perform a number of rituals in our [...] Read more

क्या संत रामपाल जी देवी देवताओं की भक्ति छुड़वाते हैं, जाने क्या है इस दावे की सच्चाई?

क्या संत रामपाल जी देवी देवताओं की भक्ति छुड़वाते हैं, जाने क्या है इस दावे की सच्चाई?

जगतगुरु तत्वदर्शी संत रामपाल जी महाराज द्वारा किए गए दावों और उनकी सच्चाई के आधार पर यह आकलन आपके समक्ष प्रस्तुत है। अकसर संत रामपाल जी के अनुयायियों द्वारा ट्विटर पर भी ज्ञान के आधार पर टैग चर्चित रहता है। आज सभी दावों एवं उनके सच के विषय में जानेंगे। दावों की पड़ताल: मुख्य बिंदु संत रामपाल जी द्वारा किए गए दावों की सच्चाई। ब्रह्मा विष्णु महेश की [...] Read more

Intoxication Free World

Intoxication Free World

Majority of the world’s population is involved in intake of intoxicants of one kind or the other, not realizing the bitter fact that they are adding in their life account, some heavily paid sins! Numerous people want to leave their habit of intoxication, but, every effort ends in vain. With the heart mending true spiritual knowledge provided by [...] Read more

Eliminating Social Evils

Eliminating Social Evils

In this world where people are cursed for sins that are carried out unknowingly, there are people who are found indulging in vices knowingly as well. Malpractices like meat consumption, intoxication, female foeticide & infanticide, adultery etc. have taken a toll on the thinking abilities of people and have converted them into devils! Saint [...] Read more

Blood Donation Camps

Blood Donation Camps

More than any sort of wealth or technology, all that is needed by the world at large, is “humanity”! Blood Donation Camps organised all over India With the divine teachings of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, His devotees actively take part in blood donation, which is a treasure for the entire humankind as many people die due to non-availability of blood. [...] Read more

Awareness of Religious Hypocrisy

Awareness of Religious Hypocrisy

As the world lies in a deep slumber of spiritual ignorance, the Almighty God Himself descends to provide the true spiritual knowledge, which alone stands as the truth in this mortal land where everything is fake! This human body is the most priceless possession, as only in this cover, can we follow the true method of worship by coming under the [...] Read more

Alcoholism | A True Story

Alcoholism | A True Story

God Kabir says that consumption of a drop of alcohol gets one 70 lives of a dog in the next births. Alcohol and other intoxicants apart from being social evils are a detriment in the path of worship. If a soul is addicted to any kind of intoxicant such as cigarette, tobacco, alcohol, drugs etc., achieving salvation is an impossible task. One has [...] Read more

Is Śrāddha Certified in Holy Gita & Vishnu Purana? Let's Examine

Is Śrāddha Certified in Holy Gita & Vishnu Purana? Let's Examine

Creatures residing in the region of Brahm-Kaal suffer in 84 lacs life-forms viz: animals, reptiles, birds, Ghosts, Phantoms, Pitras, Human Beings, and so on. Why are these life forms obtained is an enduring question people would want to know?. This is because the creatures residing in Kaal’s twenty-one universes are cursed to suffer due to the [...] Read more

Summary of Bhagavad Gita

Summary of Bhagavad Gita

In a nutshell, the summary of Bhagavad Gita pertaining to salvation / liberation is as follows. Read it sequentially to grasp the gist of it. Shrimad Bhagavad Gita contains indicative and conclusive knowledge about Supreme God and attainment of salvation. The narrator of Gita has given the knowledge of 2 tiers in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. At one [...] Read more

Form of God in Gita, Quran, Bible & Guru Granth Sahib

Form of God in Gita, Quran, Bible & Guru Granth Sahib

The whole world is misguided by the concept of the form of God. Devotees across the globe belonging to any religion are confused that God is formless due to a lack of correct spiritual knowledge. To know what is the form of God? one should only take reference of the Holy books and not what people of that religion say and what do they worship. It [...] Read more

Kabir - Myths, Misconceptions & Mystery

Kabir - Myths, Misconceptions & Mystery

Myth (Greek "Muthos") basically represents stuff which is meaningless, an imaginative story or an irrational creation of a crooked mind. (On a side note, its derivative is the word "Mythology" which in its true sense can't be applied to "Hinduism" as none of the concepts, events and epics in Hinduism are a myth. Being a very old religion or way of [...] Read more

Feeding the Hungry

Feeding the Hungry

Every currency is useless if there is no food to buy! The glory of food and water can’t be undermined and has been mentioned by all pious souls. In this world where there are inequalities in terms of everything possessed, let us play our part in feeding the hungry. The Biggest of all donations Providing food to hungry people is the greatest of all [...] Read more

Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji

Dowry Free India | A Short Video | Sant Rampal Ji

दहेज का खात्मा This short video showcases the scenario of a girl named "Diksha" who visits a family of disciples of Sant Rampal Ji and gets astonished to discover that the family considers accepting and giving dowry a sin. Despite numerous efforts by the government, this demon of dowry remains an unscalable mountain to climb. Millions of families [...] Read more

Story of Timur Lang

Story of Timur Lang

Who was Timur Lang & how did he become a ruler? Unknown to the masses is the fact that God Kabir granted Timur Lane the kingdom of 7 generations. This short video (in Hindi) gives an account of how God Kabir met Timur and his rise to power.

Does Shri Krishan in Bhagavad Gita talk about some other Supreme God?

Does Shri Krishan in Bhagavad Gita talk about some other Supreme God?

Is there some other Supreme God that Shri Krishan Ji is talking about in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita? The popular belief amongst devotee society is that Shri Krishan Ji has given the knowledge of Gita and he himself is the Supreme God. Whether Shri Krishan Ji spoke Gita or not, is a matter of a separate debate. We will here address the question whether [...] Read more

Blunders in the Translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Blunders in the Translation of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita gives perfect knowledge, but translators have made sinister blunders during its exegesis, which changes the entire purport of the message in Gita. These blunders prove how ignorant all these translators are (have been), and how abysmal their knowledge, and level of understanding of Gita is (was). Given below are a few [...] Read more

The Most Important Verse in Quran

The Most Important Verse in Quran

Which is the most important verse in Quran Sharif / Majid? The most important verse in Quran is Surah Al Furqan, verse no 58 and also 59. But why is it so? Background Belief The accepted fact amongst the Muslim faith is that "Quran" is a word of God. In other words, it is believed that the knowledge of Quran has been given by God. Although this [...] Read more

Way of Living | Sant Rampal Ji | Web Video Series

Way of Living | Sant Rampal Ji | Web Video Series

A person’s journey of life begins at birth. His/her destination is pre-determined. Here in this holy book, there is a detailed description of the path of a person’s journey of life. The goal of a human being (man/woman) is attainment of salvation. Ruined families will become prosperous after reading this book. A family that will have this book [...] Read more

Why are People Atheist

Why are People Atheist

Does God exist? Is there any proof of God’s existence? Has anyone ever seen God? Where have we come from? Where do we go after death? These are some questions which have definitely traversed our minds at some stage whether we call ourselves a theist or an atheist. However we haven't been able to source a satisfactory answer to these questions to [...] Read more

Interesting Unknown Facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Interesting Unknown Facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Shri Krishan Ji and Arjun but there are some very interesting facts which are unknown to the masses. Given below are some unknown facts from Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. 1) Shri Krishan Ji did not speak Bhagavad Gita. An unknown fact is that God Kaal (owner of earth and 21 multiverses) possessed the body of Shri [...] Read more

Way of Living | Book by Sant Rampal Ji

Way of Living | Book by Sant Rampal Ji

The Book “Jeene Ki Raah (Way of Living)” is worthy of being kept in every home. By reading and following it, you will remain happy, both in this world and the other. You will be saved from sins. The unrest in the house will end. Sons and daughter-in-laws will serve their parents extraordinarily. God will reside in the home. Evil souls like [...] Read more

Garima Gita Ki | गरिमा गीता की | Summary of Gita

Garima Gita Ki | गरिमा गीता की | Summary of Gita

गरिमा गीता की गीता का दिव्य सारांश (A divine summary of Srimad Bhagavad Gita) इस पुस्तक में श्रीमद्भगवत गीता के सम्पूर्ण ज्ञान का यथार्थ प्रकाश किया गया है जो गीता से 18 अध्यायों के 700 श्लोकों का हिन्दी सारांश है। ऐसा आज तक किसी हिन्दू धर्म के गुरू ने तथा गीता के अनुवादकर्ता ने नहीं किया। सबने भोले हिन्दू समाज को भ्रमित करके उल्टा पाठ पढ़ाया है। [...] Read more

What do the Vedas say about Supreme God

What do the Vedas say about Supreme God

Unknown Facts about Supreme God from the Vedas (Ved) - Scriptures pertaining to Hinduism, in fact the whole Humankind There are four vedas namely Rig Ved, Atharva Ved, Yajur Ved and Sam Ved and they contain supreme knowledge about God. However little is known about the hidden gems mentioned in the vedas which have now been revealed by Saint Rampal [...] Read more

Today Brother has Time | आज भाई को फुर्सत है - a Short Film

Today Brother has Time | आज भाई को फुर्सत है - a Short Film

"Today brother has time" is a short feature based upon the teachings of Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. It signifies the importance and the need for doing the true worship of Supreme God Kabir. God Kabir says that this life is ephemeral and this human life has been ordained to worship the Almighty. The fleeting nature of human life bears no [...] Read more

What is Shradh | श्राद्ध क्या है

What is Shradh | श्राद्ध क्या है

Is doing Shradh (Worship of ancestors) the right way of worship? What does Srimad Bhagavad Gita say about performing shradh? Saint Rampal ji has given a very thorough analysis of scriptures of Hinduism especially Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Markandeya Puran and Vishnu Puran to answer the above question. Srimad Bhagavad Gita Adhyay 9, verse 25 यान्ति, [...] Read more

Who is God, What is he like & How to Identify in Holy Scriptures?

Who is God, What is he like & How to Identify in Holy Scriptures?

The most basic question that comes to everyone's mind is “Who is God”? The answer to this enduring question is not available with contemporary sages, saints, Mahants, Kazis, Mullah, Priests, and all religious gurus. They all claim God is formless and misguide innocent souls due to ignorance. Great enlightened Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj has proved [...] Read more

Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah

Animal Sacrifice is Not the Order of Allah

Sacrifice of an animal is not the order of God. Animal sacrifice is not mentioned in the Holy Quran. This practice is arbitrary and has been propagated by ignorant mullah / Qazis. It is a cause of great sin. Quran does not advocate sin. All the creatures are children of God, and God is never pleased if someone kills His beings. Slaughter in the [...] Read more

Adhyatm Gyan Ka Gola | अध्यात्म ज्ञान का गोला

Adhyatm Gyan Ka Gola | अध्यात्म ज्ञान का गोला

अध्यात्म ज्ञान रूपी तोब का गोला कबीर और ज्ञान सब ज्ञानड़ी, कबीर ज्ञान सो ज्ञान। जैसे गोला तोब का, करता चले मैदान।। अर्थात् जैसा कि वेदों में प्रमाण है कि परमात्मा पृथ्वी पर प्रकट होकर यथार्थ अध्यात्म ज्ञान स्वयं अपने मुख से बोली वाणी में बताता है जो सूक्ष्मवेद यानि तत्वज्ञान कहा जाता है। कबीर जुलाहा पूर्ण परमात्मा है। उन्होंने जो आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान [...] Read more

Lord Shiva - Fact Sheet

Lord Shiva - Fact Sheet

Lord Shiva is one of the three main Gods in the Hindu Trinity. He is known as the destroyer and his quality is "Tamguna". His wife is Goddes Parvati. Lord Shiva is known to reside at the Kailash Mountain. Unknown Facts About Lord Shiva 1). Lord Shiva is the youngest amongst Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv. Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva are brothers with [...] Read more

7 Myths About Saint Rampal Ji

7 Myths About Saint Rampal Ji

1) Sant Rampal Ji skipped court hearings 43 times FACT - Sant Rampal was granted “Permanent Exemption from Appearance" by the court. He was being represented by his counsel on all those hearings. Prior to getting this exemption, He attended each and every hearing. Only in 2014 He could not attend 3 court hearings due to ill health for which [...] Read more

God & Death are the two things to remember | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

God & Death are the two things to remember | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji

What is Death? Should One Fear Death? Should One Fear God People say, death is the ultimate end of life. There is a misconception that when someone dies that soul rests in peace or heaven. But this is actually not true. There is life even after death. If a person dies without doing devotion of complete God then that soul is definitely destined to [...] Read more

How a Curse by Rishi Durvasa caused the Carnage of Yadavas

How a Curse by Rishi Durvasa caused the Carnage of Yadavas

Even Shri Krishan could not avert the destruction of his "Yadav Clan" secondary to a curse by Rishi Durvasa. Rather Shri Krishan himself killed the remaining yadavas. Shri Krishan did not have the ability to stop this carnage. God Kabir has said गरीब, दुर्वासा कोपे तहां, समझ न आई नीच। छप्पन कोटि यादव कटे, मची रूधिर की कीच।। दुर्वासा ने बच्चों के [...] Read more

How Was the Universe Created | Video

How Was the Universe Created | Video

How was the universe created? Who created the Universe? This concise video is the key to understanding the mystery of how the whole of this universe was created. This video also explains why we take birth and die, and why there is so much suffering in this world. It also explains the status of Mother Durga, Brahma, Vishnu & Shiv. This video is [...] Read more

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