Yes, people who consider Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj an ordinary man are simply mistaken, as they haven’t listened to the heart-mending spiritual knowledge provided by Him. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is none other than Almighty God Kabir Himself, who is the Creator of entire universes and beyond and is our Actual Parent. This is the sole reason why Lord Kabir descends every now & then to take His souls back to the ever-happy and plentiful land of Satlok.
Please take note of this divine speech of Almighty God Kabir —
Chautha yug jab kalyug aayi | Tab Hum apna Ansh pathaayi ||
Kaal fand chhoote nar loi | Sakal srishti pravaanik hoi ||
Ghar ghar dekho bodh vichara | Satnaam sab thor uchara ||
Kalyug beete pachpan sau paancha | Tab ye vachan Mera hoga saacha ||
Kalyug beet jaaye jab yeta | Sabhi jeev Param Purush Pad cheta ||
Almighty God Kabir has mentioned in His Kabir Vaani that He will send His Incarnation when the fourth yuga called Kalyuga arrives. Many men and women will get liberated from the clutches of Kaal and the whole world will take His Shelter. There will be discussions of true spiritual knowledge at every home. There will be a recitation of Satnaam at every place. Lord Kabir said that these words of Mine would come true when 5505 years of Kalyuga would have passed. All living beings will recognize the Supreme God when these many years of Kalyuga have passed.
5505 years of Kalyuga had passed in 1997 A.D. Almighty God Kabir has also said the following pious speech in His Kabir Vaani -
Samvat satrah sau chauhattar hoi | Ta din prem pragate jagg soi ||
Aagya rahe brahm bodh laave | Koli chamaar sabke ghar khaave ||
Saakh Humari le jeev samjhaave | Asankh janam thor nahin paave ||
Barahvein panth Hum hi chal aavein | Sab Panth mita kr Ek hi chalaavein ||
Almighty God Kabir has mentioned His 12th Sect (Panth) i.e. Garibdas Panth in the above-written speech that in Samvat 1774 (1717 AD), the Prem (Incarnation of God Kabir, Garib Das Ji) will descend. He will impart real knowledge about the Supreme God but no one would be able to understand those Vaanis (Divine Speeches), hence, nobody will get liberated.
After that, Lord Kabir wrote that He would Himself come in the 12th panth later on and would terminate all other sects (panths). Then, only One Yathaarth (Authentic) Kabir Panth will prevail and all souls will follow the true method of worship as imparted by Supreme God Kabir Himself.
These Divine Speeches of Almighty God Kabir have made one fact crystal clear that He will Himself descend in the 12th panth, later on, to deliver the true spiritual knowledge and impart the correct mantras of worship. Therefore, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, who seems like a common man to the general public, is none other than Almighty God Kabir Himself!
Till now, people were reading and cramming the Holy books, but nobody could understand and deliver the facts about spirituality. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only One, who has given a detailed explanation of our existence by letting us know the “creation of nature” and making us realize that we are considering this fake life as a fantasy. The disaster of death can take a toll any second, leaving us with nothing but repentance. Not just this, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj told us that the power of God is boundless and He can strike off the curse of bad deeds of His disciples and grant life extensions.
Let us now read the information that was promised to be answered in the later part.
Knowing that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is none other than Almighty God Kabir Himself, He doesn’t have any age! Supreme God Kabir is performing a divine spectacle in the cover of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Almighty Lord Kabir had Himself told Gorakhnath Ji about His age as —
Arabo to Brahma gaye, Unanchaas koti kanhaiya |
Saat koti shambhu gaye, Meri ek nahi palaiya ||
One Chaturyuga is composed of 4,320,000 human years. The age of Brahma Ji is approx 72,000,000 Chaturyuga. The age of Vishnu Ji is seven times the age of Brahma Ji i.e. 504,000,000 Chaturyuga. Again, the age of Shiv Ji is seven times the age of Vishnu Ji i.e. 3528,000,000 Chaturyuga. Almighty God Kabir told Gorakhnath Ji that billions of Brahma have died, 490 million Vishnu have died, and 70 million Shiva have died but not a single moment of God Kabir has passed i.e. Supreme God Kabir doesn't have any age!
Paani se paida nahi,
Svaansa nahi shareer.
Ann aahaar karta nahi,
Taaka naam Kabir!
The body of Almighty God Kabir is composed of a single element of divine light (noor tatva) and His body is not sustained through breaths. Lord Kabir is the Supreme power whose body doesn’t require food as He is the Almighty God for whom we have been searching since yugas.
Also, talking about the caste of Almighty God Kabir, who is here in the cover of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj, take note of the following speech of Supreme God Kabir —
Jaat hamari Jagatguru,
Parmeshwar hai panth.
Das Garib likhat padhe,
Mera naam Niranjan kant!
Lord Kabir told Swami Ramanand Ji that His caste is Jagatguru (World Guru) and His sect is that of attaining God. I am Lord Kabir and I am the father (God) of
(Brahm-Kaal) as well.
Thus, Almighty God Kabir has descended yet again in the cover of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj to save us from the vicious cycle of life & death.
Prophecy of Nostradamus About Baba Rampal Ji
Nostradamus has talked about revolutionary transformations that will be brought about by the Great Chyren (Religious Leader) in his predictions. He has said that a Golden era is soon to emerge when people of the entire world will realize who the Real God is and will worship Him only by coming under the refuge of that Chyren. Not just this, Nostradamus has even mentioned that a false case regarding contempt will be charged against the Great Chyren. According to Nostradamus’s predictions, the Great Saint will form equal rules and equal regulations and will not discriminate among genders, wealth, castes, and creeds. He will not let injustice happen to anyone.
All of this in itself proves that Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the Chyren about whom Nostradamus has predicted, who is tirelessly working for the welfare of humankind. He is the only Guru who does not discriminate between people and has formed equal rules for all. Also, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the One on whom a false case regarding contempt has been charged. Most importantly, Saint Rampal Ji has provided the true method of worship after following which devotees receive health, financial, and spiritual benefits.
Many other famous astrologers have also predicted Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj in their prophecies, highlighting the fact that He alone is our Liberator. The details regarding the same have been mentioned in the following write-up — “The Prophecy of
'Nostradamus' about Saint Rampal Ji”
Busy people living a care-free life in this sorrowful world, please take note of these words —
Karlo Guru vakeel, mukadma bhaari hai.
Only the Real Saint can act as our lawyer in the court of God, where lies are not acceptable and justice surely prevails. Numerous are the bad deeds in our account; the ultimate power to strike them off lies in the hands of the Real Saint.
Satguru milein to ichha metein,
Padd mil pade samaana.
Chal hansa us lok pathaun,
Jo aadi amar asthaana!
Only by coming under Saint Rampal Ji’s refuge, can the worldly desires end and we can attain the immortal abode, Satlok with His grace only.
Also, Almighty Lord Kabir has mentioned in His divine speech —
Yug sattar Hum gyaan dein,
Jeev na samjheya ek.
Garibdas ghar ghar firein,
Dharein Kabira bhesh!
Almighty Lord Kabir is waiting for His beloved souls to recognize their Actual Parent, their real Caretaker. To take His souls back to the immortal abode, Supreme God Kabir descends every now & then to impart His true spiritual knowledge. Lord Kabir came on earth in the pious land of Kashi (Varanasi), India, about 600 years back, and we were not able to recognize Him because we were uneducated at that time. But presently, everybody is educated and we can see what is written in our Holy Books and scriptures. No matter what religion you belong to currently, the Holy books of every religion prove one fact — Lord Kabir is the Almighty God, whose status was restricted to that of a poet. Do not repeat this mistake as this is the golden opportunity to fly back to the ever-happy abode.
With folded hands, we sincerely request all of you to listen to the divine spiritual discourses of Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. Come under His refuge by taking initiation and make your human life successful.