Concept of Supreme God in Holy Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda)

Concept of Supreme God in Holy Vedas (Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda)

The Holy Vedas were the first Holy Scriptures which were given by God Kabir for his beloved souls. Vedas are the oldest religious scriptures which were written in Vedic Sanskrit. It is a general belief that Vedas belong to Hinduism but this is not correct. The knowledge of Holy Vedas was given during the origin of the universe. At that time there was no religion. So the Vedas are actually for the whole humankind. The Knowledge of Holy Vedas is for the whole of humanity. Vedas are Holy Scriptures for all the religions in the entire world as they predate any religion.

The Vedas have been destroyed a few times during dissolution, but God Kabir has revealed the knowledge via sages for the benefit of his devotees. The current compilation of the Vedas available to us were compiled nearly 5000 years ago, and at that time there was indeed no religion. Earlier the sages used to learn the complete Vedas by heart, but in Kalyug these have been compiled. If we look at various religions then we discover that Christianity is about 20 centuries old, Islam is around 1500 years old and Sikhism is nearly 250 years old, but Vedas have preexisted these religions. To understand the concept of creation of the universe, and to gain knowledge about Supreme God, Vedas have a significant importance.

Who has Given the Knowledge of Vedas

Till now it was believed by the sages that Brahma had given the knowledge of Vedas. But contrary to this fact, we are here to give you complete facts about who created Vedas and why?

The Vedas were originally given to Kaal Brahm by Supreme God Kavir Dev when Kaal Brahm was expelled from Satlok along with his 21 universes. At that time, Lord Kavir Dev had given Kaal the knowledge of 5 Vedas (instead of 4) which, as ordained by God Kavir, appeared via Kaal's breaths.

It is bit difficult to grasp but the closest analogy is of a facsimile. It is similar to when we fax a document from one country to another country, without any visible connection between the fax machines. Likewise Kavirdev faxed the 5 Vedas to Kaal Brahm which came out when he exhaled breath.

Kaal Brahm read all the texts which had come out. The texts contained the glory of complete God, God Kavir Dev or Kabir Saheb along with the true mantras of worship for attaining salvation. So Kaal concelaed the Ved containing maximum glory of God Kabir and presented the rest to the world.

How Many Types of Holy Vedas Exist in the World?

According to Hinduism, there are four Holy Vedas existing in the world, the names of which are mentioned below.

  1. Holy Rigveda.
  2. Holy Yajurveda.
  3. Holy Samaveda.
  4. Holy Atharvaveda.

Who Wrote Holy Vedas? Or How were the Four Holy Vedas Written?

Nearly 5000 years ago, Maharishi Ved Vyas compiled the Vedas. He arranged the mantras into four Sanhitas (Collections) which are the four Vedas:

  • The Holy Rigveda.
  • The Holy Yajurveda.
  • The Holy Samaveda.
  • The Holy Atharvaveda.

They were written in Vedic Sanskrit but today these Vedas have been translated in Hindi and some other languages as well.

Brief Introduction of Four Holy Vedas

Let’s start the brief introduction of four holy Vedas.

Holy Rigveda

  • Holy Rigveda is a collection of 1,028 hymns (sūktas) in about 10,600 verses organized into ten books (mandalas).
  • The magnificence of God Kabir Dev has been described in detail in Holy Rigveda. Where does the Supreme God lives according to Rigveda, creation of nature and how God increases the lifespan of his devotee has been explained in detail in this section.

Where does the Supreme and Almighty God live - Rigveda

The Supreme God lives in Eternal Place called Satlok.

Rigveda, Mandal 9, Sukt 96, Mantra 18

Rishimna ya rishikrit' swarshaH sahastraneethH padviH kavinam' |
Trteeyam' dhaam mahishH sisha sant' somH viraajmanu rajti stup' |

Translation: The narrator of Holy Vedas, Brahm is saying that the Purna Parmatma (Complete God) who comes in the form of an extraordinary child, attaining the title of famous poets i.e. plays the role of a saint thousands of speeches composed by that God who has appeared as a saint is the provider of happiness equal to that of heaven to the individuals of saintly nature i.e. devotees. That Eternal Purush i.e. SatPurush after establishing the very firm Earth of the third Mukti lok i.e. Satyalok, Himself being in a human-like bright material form i.e. in human-like effulgent body is seated in the dome on the high hillock-like throne.

Holy Yajurveda

  • The Meaning of Yajur Veda is “Knowledge of Worship”.
  • The Holy Yajurveda samhita includes about 1,875 verses. Yajur Veda contains the knowledge about how God Kabir Dev looks and whether he forgives the sins of his devotees or not?

What is the Form of Supreme God- Yajurved?

God is in form and has a human like body.

Yajurved Adhyay 5, Mantra 1

“Agne TanuH Asi | Vishnve Tva Somasya Tanur' Asi || ”

  • It has been stated twice in this Mantra that Parmeshwar has a body. Eternal Purush has a body He nurtures everyone i.e. when God comes as a guest in this world for some time to explain Tattavgyan to His devotees.
  • He comes by wearing a body of lighter masses of lights over His actual effulgent body that is why the evidence has been given twice in the aforesaid Mantra. A similar description of God is also given in Yajurved Adhyay 1, Mantra 15 where it says that God has a body and is in form.

God can forgive your sins – Yajurved

Yajurved Adhyay 8 Mantra 13

  • God even forgives/destroys the most heinous sins. God can forgive all sins done unknowingly. God can forgive all the sins done in the past or done currently.

Holy Samaveda

  • Samveda is the Veda of melodies and chants. It consists of 1,549 verses.
  • Vedas preach that the right way of worship is the one in which the mantras are given in 3 states by a complete saint.

Evidence of Naam Jaap in Three Stages - Sam Ved

Mantra no. 822 Samved Utarchik Adhyay 3 Khand no. 5 Shlok no. 8 (Translated by Sant Rampal Das)

ManeeshibhiH – pavte – poorvyaH – Kavir′ - nrbhiH – yatH – pari – koshaan′ - asishyadat′ - tri – tasya – naam – janayan′ - madhu – ksharanH – na – indrasya – vaayum′ - sakhyay – vardhyan′

Translation: The Primordial i.e. Eternal Supreme God Kabir assuming a human form i.e. appearing as a Guru, giving three mantras i.e. naam updesh to a devout soul who does bhakti with devotion and loves Him from heart, by purifying him, releases him from birth and death, and completely increases his/her countable life-breaths, which have been put according to the destiny, from His store on the basis of friendship. As a result of which, makes him/ her attain real happiness of Supreme God by His blessings.

Meaning: It has been clarified in this Mantra that Supreme God Kavir i.e. Kabir manifesting in the form of a Guru in human body, by giving Jaap of three mantras to God-loving soul, makes him/ her do true bhakti, and by purifying that devotee friend, by His blessings, makes him achieve complete happiness by attaining the Supreme God. He also increases the age of the worshipper.

Holy Atharvaveda

  • The Atharvaveda is composed in Vedic Sanskrit, and it is a collection of 730 hymns with about 6,000 mantras, divided into 20 books which are called Anuvaaks.

What is the name of Supreme God - Atharva Ved

The Name of Supreme God is Kavir Dev or colloquially 'Kabir Sahib', 'Hakka Kabir', 'Sat Kabir', 'Allahu Akbar', 'Kabiran', 'Khabira'

Atharva Ved, Kaand no. 4 Anuvaak no.1 Mantra no. 7

YaH – atharvanm' - Pitram' - Devbandhum' - Brahspatim' - namsa – av – ch –gachchhaat' - tvam' - vishwesham' - janita – yatha – saH – KavirdevH – na – dabhaayat' - swadhavan'

Translation: He, who is unchanging i.e. eternal, Father of the universe, the real companion of the devotees i.e. the basis of the soul, Guru of the universe, and who takes a polite worshipper, i.e. worshipper who worships according to the scriptures, who has gone to Satlok, to Satlok with safety; the Creator of all the brahmands, Jagdamba i.e. who is also endowed with the qualities of a mother, who has the nature i.e. qualities of not betraying like Kaal, He is, as it is, Himself KavirDev i.e. in different language He is also called Kabir Parmeshwar.

In this Mantra, it has also been made clear that the name of that God, who has done all the Creation, is KavirDev (God Kabir).

Conclusion: The Conclusion of this whole article is as follows:- 

  • The four holy Vedas is the constitution of God.
  • In Vedas there is full information about the supreme God, but what is the right way of worship to achieve the Supreme God, or how can we attain complete salvation has not been mentioned in holy Vedas.

If you want to know how one can attain complete salvation, and how can one achieve God, then one will have to find the refugee of a complete saint who at this point in time is Tatvdarshi Sant Jagat Guru Rampal Ji Maharaj.


Yajurved Adhyay 5 Mantra 1

FAQs about Concept of Supreme God in Holy Vedas

Q.1 How many gods are there in Vedas?

There is only one God, Kavir dev aka Kabir saheb. The text contains the glory of complete God along with the true mantras of worship for attaining salvation.

Q.2 Who wrote 4 Vedas?

Maharishi Ved Vyas compiled the Vedas 5000 years ago, arranging them into four Sanhitas: The Holy Rigveda, The Holy Yajurveda, The Holy Samaveda, and The Holy Atharvaveda. They were written in Vedic Sanskrit and have been translated into Hindi and other languages.

Q. 3 Which god is mentioned in Vedas?

According to Atharva Veda the name of Supreme God is Kavir Dev or colloquially 'Kabir Sahib', 'Hakka Kabir', 'Sat Kabir', 'Allahu Akbar', 'Kabiran', 'Khabira'.

Q.4 What are the 4 main Vedas?

The four Vedas are: The Holy Rigveda. The Holy Yajurveda. The Holy Samaveda. The Holy Atharvaveda.

Q.5 Who is the first god in the Vedas?

Vedas clearly signify God Kabir to be the first and only God. We must worship him to attain salvation.

Q.6 What are the 4 Vedas and their meaning?

The four sacred Vedas are God's constitution. The Vedas provide detailed information about the Supreme God, but they do not address how we should worship the Supreme God or how we can reach perfect salvation.

Q.7 Who are the 5 gods in Vedas?

According to Vedas there is only one God and his name is Kavir Dev or colloquially 'Kabir Sahib'.

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Rohit Vaishya

Can God remove our pain of birth and rebirth?. Does any holy text provide evidence for same?

Satlok Ashram

Supreme God removes the illness of birth and rebirth of trapped souls who perform true devotion by taking refuge in enlightened Saint. Then those true worshippers go to Satlok where they remain forever and never come back in this deceased world. They get freedom from birth and rebirth means they attain emancipation. Holy Vedas provide evidence for the same

Prashant Singh

How are Vedas different than Puranas?

Satlok Ashram

Vedas are the words of God. They contain information about the supreme God. They are the constitution of God whereas the knowledge of Puranas contains the experience of some sage, saint which is not in accordance to God's law

Suman Verma

Nowadays we hear that you people tell instead of four there are five Vedas. You are providing wrong information

Satlok Ashram

It is true that there are five Vedas. The fifth one is Sukshamveda which contains the entire information about the supreme God and His Sanatan ultimate abode. It tells the right way of worship and how to attain God. Devotee society till now due to lack of true spiritual knowledge was ignorant about it. Now in the light of Tatvgyan people know that there are five Vedas.

Shekhar Gupta

Vedas came into existence during the churning of the ocean. Prior to this there was no existence of them.

Satlok Ashram

Vedas were originally given by Almighty to Brahm Kaal which contained God's glory. At the specified duration according to God's plan these Vedas automatically came out from within Brahm Kaal through breath who hide them fearing that if devotees will read them they will come to know who is happiness giving God and that he is butcher who tortures creatures then they all will perform true devotion of God and will go from his world. His world will be empty. Then what will he eat since creatures are his food.


Vedas are holy texts of Hindus. Devotees of other religions do not follow them.

Satlok Ashram

This is a misconception. The knowledge of holy Vedas was given during the origin of the universe when there was no religion. The knowledge of holy Vedas therefore is for the whole of humanity and not religion specific.